
JUNE 10, 1979, 6:00 AM

Yes, o son, today marks the completion of one month in this useful, enjoyable partnership. It was on May 10 that the lost manuscript helped bring Me to your attention. You pledged a month of listening for words that logically should not be hearable. It would cost something and you knew not whether it would be of benefit. You came forth in faith, and finally you began to hear My voice. Now it may never be stilled for you.

The lost rooster got your attention again and you offered an early recommitment to continued obedience and instruction. And this lesson closes the first month. Congratulations! We have accomplished much in this time. (But again let Me remind that I speak of a month only for your benefit. The time is not important. The fulfillment of promise is. We have always done this… we are doing this… we shall always do this. Can you comprehend this? Not really)

Because I speak from within you I have access to all that you have heard and thought. But My mind goes infinitely beyond. Still… I want to communicate, and so I use words and phrases with which you, o son of earth and spheres, are familiar.

You notice that some of Our sentences are long and rambling, while others are crisply short. Both have merit. Both make a rhythm. (The book on which you work now requires short sentences. Your comfortable style is the long and the flowing. You need to increase the scope of your rhythm. Shorten.)

I have much to say to you. But always remember that the process can be as important as the content. Listen not just for the words. Be aware also of the symbols in what We do together. Worry not that some things are repeated. Worry not that new ideas burst forth unheralded. Be aware that as I teach so can you teach. Some of the methods are transferable. Some will be obvious to you. Others… I’ll have to nudge you.

Remember that I suggested that you try to write some each day, in addition to this. (In this you are the penman only. I want you to practice the actual writing.) It can be a letter. It can be part of a paper. Do it not so much as a discipline, as a commandment… do it as a glad and thankful response. “And the Lord, the Spirit gave forth… and the servant gave in return, in gratitude.” Most days you do this anyway, but I want you to become more aware of the opportunities. That is why I frame it as I do.

Your Ruminations was a good idea, but just a bit premature. There shall be another version of that, commencing some time this summer. In it you shall use these Words of Mine as your stimulus… the foundation for your analysis and comment. Surprised? For everything there is a season.

JUNE 10, 1979, 6:00 AM

Yes, o son, today marks the completion of one month in this useful, enjoyable partnership. It was on May 10 that the lost manuscript helped bring Me to your attention. You pledged a month of listening for words that logically should not be hearable. It would cost something and you knew not whether it would be of benefit. You came forth in faith, and finally you began to hear My voice. Now it may never be stilled for you.

The lost rooster got your attention again and you offered an early recommitment to continued . . .

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