
WED., APR. 6, 1988, 6:52 AM

This is a day of anniversary, an important one for this earth life you now are living. Your marriage to Lenore was not an accident or an example of free will, as you now see. It was not pure destiny, for you had to act in some ways that were not characteristic, and you had to be thus willing, but it was “best for you.” And so, 36 years ago you were married, and this union has been a vital part of your life since.

From this union came five male children, and you have not felt great success as a parent. Peter’s life was short, but it had a purpose, and he continues to grow in another realm without quite so much competition for his spirit. Matthew has not yet turned to Me, but, as I have told you over these years of Our relationship, he will come and be a special servant. Love him for who he is, as I do.

Your older three sons definitely have Me as a focus for life, even as two are reluctant to acknowledge Me as I come to you in this way. They are part of old traditions in My church, and I urge you to be pleased with their commitments and to continue to influence them in ways that I direct. Know that they are all “part” of this anniversary.

You see these sons as having chosen more liturgical forms of worship than that of your family. Remember that as you and Lenore came together, out of different family traditions, you came to a more liturgical one than those of your upbringing. This trend obviously cannot continue with their children!

You and Lenore weathered some difficult years as parents of teens. That was the major spiritual test of your life together thus far, and probably should not have a rival in your life remaining. You didn’t perform perfectly, and you didn’t call on Me much, but they are prospering, as young men… and you and Lenore are still solidly together. I helped some, but not enough to spoil the test.

Crucially, she has accepted fully the reality of these Teachings. You can see that if you hadn’t had that support it would have been much more difficult for you to have continued in this odd meditation. It is integrated as a part of your life now, but without her support, even enthusiasm, in those early years, you and I might not be nearly as close. She was not “programmed” for this. She just responded well to My silent invitation. You may want to discuss this with her.

There are no ideal marriages – some standard all others should be like. The ideal is those that “work,” for the individuals involved and for the marriage itself. Yours is one in which you each follow your individual interests and occupations, but also share some important aspects of life. Your Farm life is mutual, and even when the cows get out, and you are annoyed, you know that you can work together to restore integrity to the pasture scene. Continue to invite classes to the Farm, involving them with her and her with them in this way.

Thirty six years is not a lifetime together. You both recall the 26 years you had, growing up and as single people. Yet these have been productive years and happy years. You each have the capacity to add much to the others’ happiness. You are enjoying one of the blessings of earth life… one not enjoyed by many who are in the married state. Appreciate this union, continue to “work at it,” but basically enjoy it, as something with a firm foundation and much potential for continued pleasure and value.

WED., APR. 6, 1988, 6:52 AM

This is a day of anniversary, an important one for this earth life you now are living. Your marriage to Lenore was not an accident or an example of free will, as you now see. It was not pure destiny, for you had to act in some ways that were not characteristic, and you had to be thus willing, but it was “best for you.” And so, 36 years ago you were married, and this union has been a vital part of your life since.

From this union came five . . .

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