
TUES., APR. 6, 1993, 6:33 AM

It is a good human/spiritual custom to mark and celebrate anniversaries. This one, on this day, is the anniversary of your wedding, you and Lenore… the official beginning of your life together. Forty one years… this is not some classic number to celebrate… just another year yoked to one for whom you were intended, mutually. This total, while not one to merit some special remembrance, is considerable, and it puts you in an increasingly small group within your culture whose marriage has been this long.

You recall that it was an exciting time of courtship, rather one-sided for a time. I intended the two of you for each other, but this was easier for you to accept than for Lenore. I did not motivate all of your actions during those courting days, but I obviously allowed some that would not be expected of Me. As you have noted it would not have been expected that you would have been so tenacious, in the face of obvious, “unfair” competition. At that time (and until recently) you did not acknowledge that I was energizing your spirit for that competition. It was like unto a true game, with losses that seemed crucial. Yet your love for her became obvious, and love is the most powerful of forces.

Was there a reason for My doing this? Remember that I have told you repeatedly that mostly I allow the earth, as I have created it, to function as it will, without My influence or interference. At the same time I am incredibly active, as an influence, for My purposes. Both/and. There was no great “cosmic” reason for you two to be together. It just seemed that you would be right for each other. Oh, I did have you picked for this that We now do together, and you needed a life partner who would not only accept but would value these Teachings and the relationship they truly represent.

From Lenore’s family background this acceptance was both likely and unlikely. I just had to help the likely prevail. The wording of these meditations is one factor. It would be harder for both of you if they sounded more like the messages I send via Mabel. But you know that I am supremely adaptable!

Your life together has not been without its rough spots, particularly during the teenage years of your 3 younger sons. I saw these years and your difficulties as challenges to the growth of your spirits, individually, and of the spirit of your marriage and family. These did grow… it was not just survival. And I was pleased.

You are now enjoying good years, with a minimum of strife and pain. The relationship that each of you has with Me makes it easier and more natural for you to love each other, and love begets love. Both of you – be sure and take time to be together. Oh, your relationship does not fade when you each are doing your own “things”, but remember that next to your linking with Me, this relationship with Lenore is the most important in your life. It isn’t that it needs to be nurtured. Rather, you want to nurture it… and her… and to accept such from her. I like it when a plan comes together… and stays together.

TUES., APR. 6, 1993, 6:33 AM

It is a good human/spiritual custom to mark and celebrate anniversaries. This one, on this day, is the anniversary of your wedding, you and Lenore… the official beginning of your life together. Forty one years… this is not some classic number to celebrate… just another year yoked to one for whom you were intended, mutually. This total, while not one to merit some special remembrance, is considerable, and it puts you in an increasingly small group within your culture whose marriage has been this long.

You recall that it was . . .

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