Anniversary … Plus One

SUN., MAY 12, 1984, 5:46 AM

Well, son of Mine, you did miss the fifth anniversary of this venture that We do together, which was yesterday morning. I didn’t call you, and you didn’t remember on your own, so I let it pass, but I had to give you a reminder for today. I’m pleased that you got the Ruminations completed. You certainly should have it to take with you and mail as you travel West. The sequence of issues for this year is fine. The one on love shall be next, but you’ll need to do some researching to go beyond the two Teachings that you mentioned and have in mind.

With these pages you commence a sixth year as a relatively faithful servant who hears and writes as My voice enters your consciousness. It is I, the Holy Spirit Who am your special spirit guide as you move through this sixth decade of your life here in the earth. As I have said before, it is very unlikely that I do this, but I do affirm that this unlikely circumstance is real and true.

Most of what I offer you in these Teachings fits with orthodox Christian doctrine, for I do want you to continue as a Presbyterian Christian. Yet, interspersed, there will be some truths that are old, even forgotten as part of the reality of life, or rejected for reasons not important to you. There will be a few that shall seem new but you shall always find them verified in the Holy Scriptures, even if they are not emphasized or easily identified.

You have a format for your Ruminations that is good and with which you are comfortable. I say again that this must be your first priority in writing and, eventually, you shall do four a year. The cost will increase, but I shall provide ways to cover these. This is an important publication, though it doesn’t seem so now. Just be faithful in the process… and in doing it well… and you shall be surprised at the influence it shall have.

You should continue your Sunday morning class in basically the format that you established before this sabbatical. Try to stay at least a month ahead in having Teachings typed and printed. Use ones not that are just current (though recent ones are often relevant to some event that demonstrates My activity in your life and the life of the earth) but that are representative of all volumes. It also shall be appropriate to use, occasionally, ones used in former years.

Persistence is one of My virtues with you. I continue to press for the founding of a student group that shall focus on this issue of the spiritual dimension to health and shall help develop further the concept of Human/Spiritual Interaction. You are reluctant to start this, and I do want you to be comfortable as you do it, but it is past the time for an appropriate beginning. Each year will bring new interested students, but you have missed some this year that could have profited from this experience.

SUN., MAY 12, 1984, 5:46 AM

Well, son of Mine, you did miss the fifth anniversary of this venture that We do together, which was yesterday morning. I didn’t call you, and you didn’t remember on your own, so I let it pass, but I had to give you a reminder for today. I’m pleased that you got the Ruminations completed. You certainly should have it to take with you and mail as you travel West. The sequence of issues for this year is fine. The one on love shall be next . . .

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