Annuals… And… Perennials

MON., OCT. 11, 1999, 6:45 AM

First, I’ll remind you that you only had two Teachings this last week. I realize you were determined to get Our Ruminations on its way to an interesting group of readers, and that did afford you some further “immersion” in My Teachings to you. Still, I don’t want you, yet, to fall below the 3 or 4 per week, of new Teachings. Thus, I urged you from bed, and here you are, on a Monday morning.

You sat in your medication garden at sunset last evening… and noted the flowers. (Yes, there were “bare spaces” in the small beds, meaning that you didn’t plant it as well as you should have. Next year…?) There are both annuals and perennials. The annuals have bloomed fairly well during the summer and early fall seasons, but are almost “through.” (You also noted Debbie’s zinnias, that did very well, but now are showing the signs of “coming death.”) Your zinnias are looking sad; the marigolds will last a bit longer, but they, too, will soon wither and bloom no more. In contrast, the Chrysanthemums are blooming profusely, for it now is “their season.”

The contrast is that the marigolds and, particularly, the zinnias will not survive the winter, and new seeds or seedling plants will have to be planted anew next Spring… while the mums (and, you hope, the hibiscus) will die down, but will rise again in the Spring, as larger and more flowery plants.

You know, from the experience of living here for close to 30 years, that these maple trees annually “let” their leaves turn red, orange, and gold and then release them to the ground. The trees look dead, but when the Spring season comes the new green leaves appear, the evidence of continuing life.

As I have suggested before, humans in the earth in this era, as in previous eras, are a mixture of “annuals” and “perennials.” (And there is no easy way to determine “who is who” and “which is which.”) This is one evidence of My oft-expressed love for diversity. Some humans shall have only one earth life. It may be a “good one,” showing forth love, compassion, and attempts to make life better for others. Or… it may be a “loser,” with selfishness, hate, and anger as dominant emotions in a short, or longer life. For each there is a judgment, when the body dies. For some of these the spirit lives on, but does not return to an earth manifestation. For others, the spirit is just “reabsorbed” in a spirit realm. Spirit is not “lost,” but its “individuality” may not “survive.”

Other humans (and you are one of these) are like perennials, with opportunities to return to human bodily life in the earth, “for as long as it takes.” This means until your spirit has lived a joyous, selfless life of service to Me and to other humans… and the earth… with a growth and development of spirit that willingly returns to Me, for My enrichment.

If this is so (and I just have said it is!) why are you in the midst of American, middle-class Presbyterian Christians, most of whom would reject, as almost blasphemous, such an affirmation? The Christian Scriptures do not clearly reveal the “truth” of perennials, so, somewhat like unto My servant Edgar, you and I have chosen this life for you, with this “challenge.” Your particular calling is not to advocate this explanation of eternal, everlasting life (which I prefer, for you, rather than reincarnation)., but to hear and record these Teachings, for your edification AND for some help to future “perennials”… a record that shall remain after you drop your body.

Why aren’t all flowers perennials? Why aren’t all humans? I just like this diversity, and it is My Choice, as Creator and Sustainer of all life. I don’t have to have some “logical reason” for this example of diversity and difference. So continue to have both annuals and perennials in your garden, and appreciate the “value” of each.

MON., OCT. 11, 1999, 6:45 AM

First, I’ll remind you that you only had two Teachings this last week. I realize you were determined to get Our Ruminations on its way to an interesting group of readers, and that did afford you some further “immersion” in My Teachings to you. Still, I don’t want you, yet, to fall below the 3 or 4 per week, of new Teachings. Thus, I urged you from bed, and here you are, on a Monday morning.

You sat in your medication garden at sunset last evening… and noted the . . .

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