Another Anniversary

WED., MAY 11, 1983, 5:35 AM

Yesterday was the anniversary of Our first “contract” in this “modern era”, and you were right about that as you told the story to old friends, but today is the anniversary of the first morning of writing. Then, o son, you shall recall, on the road again, My talking over your pen (this very one) and beginning this time of teaching/learning. You know that while time is ultimately not important to Me I do like traditional remembrances. So, yes, I did help you get home a bit earlier last evening so that you could be here this morning with relative ease. Welcome… as We start a fifth year together in this special relationship.

I, the Holy Spirit, do offer you Teachings that you write down in tangible form… because I want you to learn, and you have been receptive. I work in an almost infinite number of ways to help servants of Mine understand My ways and the spiritual workings in the earth plane. You are not special… and yet you obviously are because few souls receive as clearly as you do what I have to say. Just remember that principle that was fundamental to the Calvinistic tradition of which you are a part: you were predestined to be chosen, and you were chosen by Me, but chosen to be a servant, not to be honored. You must retain your humility in this selection, else the whole venture loses its effectiveness. When I do choose to exert power I do not like to have My ways thwarted.

It is a May morning, one of cool beauty as the leaves grow for the summer season that lies ahead. You have a few professional tasks ahead, but now is also a time to follow My leading and be a more direct servant. You know the two tasks – writing the Ruminations and sending it out and bringing your volumes of originals and of printed Teachings up-to-date. I see no reason why you shouldn’t continue the class through the summer while you are here. Sharing certain of these Teachings is a small service… some others profit, and so do you, in some important ways.

While you are on this coming trip you must start to get this commitment project in some organized form. It has lain undefined long enough. I shall assist as you need such.

You are reasonably comfortable with our relationship now… and with the tasks I want you to accomplish. Oh, you shall still have doubts, for some with prestige and influence shall express disbelief, and you would like to be accepted by all. Those times shall be hard, but you simply have too much evidence of My participation with you to be “put down” for long. You are finding ways to get these insights that I give you into your professional field, and you shall devise even more. Now is a good time for this. There is readiness that should be met.

Continue to collect the spirit-related stories, and, from time to time, write another group of them, for uses that I shall offer you. It is not yet time to offer these to a wider audience. Just remain faithful to the responsibility to write them down as you hear or otherwise encounter them. Otherwise they can be easily forgotten. As you do this in some reasonably active way you remain more aware, more appreciative, and less forgetful.

WED., MAY 11, 1983, 5:35 AM

Yesterday was the anniversary of Our first “contract” in this “modern era”, and you were right about that as you told the story to old friends, but today is the anniversary of the first morning of writing. Then, o son, you shall recall, on the road again, My talking over your pen (this very one) and beginning this time of teaching/learning. You know that while time is ultimately not important to Me I do like traditional remembrances. So, yes, I did help you get home a bit earlier last evening . . .

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