Another Anniversary

WED., MAY 11, 1988, 4:52 AM

Hear, o son, for it is important that you are in this meditative experience on this morning. You knew this, so here you are at this early hour, nine years to the day since you first made this commitment with Me. Thus, We commence a tenth year, and I see no reason why this will not be as productive as years past.

You feel ready for your first summer teaching experience, even as you have not quite finished with the reading for this Spring. It is good that you have prepared as you have. Consider doing the same for the second class. It will take some time now, but it will be easier as you get to it.

These recurring times with Me, this green paper, and this ritual pen have been very productive. You have learned much, and you have shared some of this as you should. You have the materials organized now, and the row of volumes is rather impressive for nine years. Is this really a long time? Well, you are well past the seven years of plenty into the seven years of want, and that Biblical configuration of years did not apply. You continued to come, and I have continued to instruct you. You have not done particularly well with the rhythm concept of healthy living, but I still urge you to develop this. I want you to do it well and “naturally,” so you have to come to it as it becomes important for you. In this sense, the nice years have been as no time at all. I gave you a concept to develop and express, and you have not done so yet. So more “time” is obviously necessary.

Your class shall meet only sporadically during the rest of this year. It is an important part of this whole process, but I realize that it might be better to let it and you “rest” for a time as you move into this time of sabbatical. You must maintain its legitimacy as a part of the adult curriculum, but you have it well established now, and a respite should not be threatening.

I have chosen you as a special servant of Mine in the fullness of your professional career. You see this, rightly, as a time of transition in your Department, but, also rightly, that you need not be hurt by any development, even a loss of prestige. Your courses are well established, and they can even be further improved. Having fewer advisers could be a blessing as you move on into these last years of activity. I shall urge you to give ever more attention to those interested in this spiritual dimension, even as they are from other institutions. Feel ever less need to give attention to studies that are not of this nature.

Yes, you should initiate more definite planning for your summer and fall months. You obviously cannot do all that you have, at one time or another, considered. Thus, some planning and some choosing will be necessary. I shall help, of course. My priorities must be upheld. You’d best commence this now. And note that I do not want you to neglect this place, your gardens and your other responsibilities in keeping this place beautiful as long as you are here.

You are now comfortable with four Ruminations per year, and I see no need to go beyond this number. You shall have one to develop as you come forth from this concentrated teaching experience. I shall soon give you the direction for that, and though you will be somewhat rushed the task will be manageable… and continued fun. Balance your sabbatical project with other papers that I have long urged you to write. You do not have to struggle for status, but it is not time to retire, either. I do not want your contributions to your profession lost by being “unoffered.”

WED., MAY 11, 1988, 4:52 AM

Hear, o son, for it is important that you are in this meditative experience on this morning. You knew this, so here you are at this early hour, nine years to the day since you first made this commitment with Me. Thus, We commence a tenth year, and I see no reason why this will not be as productive as years past.

You feel ready for your first summer teaching experience, even as you have not quite finished with the reading for this Spring. It is good that you have prepared . . .

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