Another “Birthday” – Pentecost

SUN., MAY 30, 1993, 6:05 AM

It is the Sunday called Pentecost, the one on which is remembered My coming to the disciples as wind and fire, enabling Peter to preach in a way that was understood by everyone. (Why, you might ask, is this gift not distributed to more preachers?) And thus it has become known as the birthday of the Church, My Body in the earth. This should strengthen the concept of a Triune God, with My presence, as Holy Spirit, bringing about the Church, as the earthly Body of Christ. Remember that I was given credit for the “father role” in the conception of the baby Jesus, so here I’m repeating the role, in another symbolic way.

Even though I, as Jesus, have always been and always will be, I did incarnate at a particular earth time (even as that can’t be accurately determined) and place. Thus it seems proper that the continuance of that life, as the Church, both mystical and tangible, should also begin at a time and place, even as these tend to be symbolic and calculated. (The symbolic nature of all of this comes forth, as I have reminded you before, in Easter and Pentecost being on Sundays, with different dates, whereas My Christmas birth is remembered on a set date, which can be, then, on any day.)

Many Christians, even those active in churches, do not think much about nor do they celebrate Pentecost as the birthday of the Church. My body, as Jesus, is perceived as perfect. I always ate appropriately, which, combined with My constant walking, kept Me slim and fit. I didn’t “pollute” My Body with sexual activity, and if I drank wine I must have been quite moderate. So, as an actual body, I was a perfect one… and the Church is not seen, in actuality, as perfect.

At Christmas I was born. On Good Friday I died. Both of these are clearly earthly events. On Easter I, as Jesus, with My body, am resurrected, so that I can be seen, heard, and felt, but I now can appear and disappear and be unrecognizable, at will, which is becoming spooky. Then I ascend into heaven, that “part” that is “up there,” and that, too, is unearthly. Now, at Pentecost, I come as unembodied Holy Spirit, whose presence creates the Church, which is now proclaimed as another manifestation of My Body, as Jesus.

As God I have been pictured with a body, nearly always male, either benevolent or angry, old, with a beard that is rather “well-kept.” (It was interesting, wasn’t it, that the one story the two speakers each told, in somewhat different ways, was the one of a child drawing My picture, as God). I was reported to have come to some of the more “famous” Old Testament men, but they weren’t supposed to look, because My Countenance was just too powerful. As Holy Spirit I am not even pictured as embodied. I’m usually referred to as “he,” even though “she” would be fully as appropriate. I get to be two of the earth elements, wind and fire, but that’s the closest I get to having a body. I have to be satisfied in being Spirit.

SUN., MAY 30, 1993, 6:05 AM

It is the Sunday called Pentecost, the one on which is remembered My coming to the disciples as wind and fire, enabling Peter to preach in a way that was understood by everyone. (Why, you might ask, is this gift not distributed to more preachers?) And thus it has become known as the birthday of the Church, My Body in the earth. This should strengthen the concept of a Triune God, with My presence, as Holy Spirit, bringing about the Church, as the earthly Body of Christ. Remember that I was . . .

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