Another Bump Toward An Eternal Life Perspective

WED., JULY 19, 1989, 12:42 PM

Hear, o son, some thoughts on a theme that you have heard about many times before. At some later time you may organize a Ruminations around Teachings on this theme over the years We have been in communication. Not yet. This shall just be a resource when the time comes.

I have urged you strongly to consider this concept as eternal or everlasting life rather than as reincarnation. For this encompasses a wider range of souls. Many more souls are “living,” growing and developing in other realms than the earth or in the earth realm, but not in a physical body. Continuing life, in an earthly body is only one of many possibilities when an earth life is over. What actually happens is some combination of what that soul sees as necessary and desirable and what I suggest is best, given My “vantage point.”

I always am trying to encourage growth and movement toward maturity, but I also allow a lot of freedom. And… if a soul truly isn’t ready for more growth experiences I’m satisfied with fallow periods… even of sleep-like periods. Remember that when you’re out of the earth, time no longer applies or makes sense, so “how long” one does this “nothingness” is irrelevant.

So, the hell referred to in the Holy Scriptures is basically self-induced, and is either a direct rejection of Me or a “don’t care to grow and progress” attitude. The major reasons for saying this is to affirm that there is a condition of hell, but no one is forced into this. Any motivations toward spiritual growth and repentance for what you have done and not done can move you out and on into more productive realms.

Death of the physical body in the earth is, I tell you yet again, of very little consequence. You still may have to decide to accept some medical treatment or not, but I continue to applaud and urge the resolve to do little to try to postpone death if you have no more obvious contributions to make to the lives of others. Yes, there are instances where a person recovers after extraordinary medical treatment and makes important contributions, but these are the exceptions rather than the rule. Nursing homes and even private homes and apartments are often overcrowded with persons hanging on to earth life too greedily.

I am a staunch advocate of continuing life, but only in the spiritual sense. Time in an earth body only has consequence in relation to growth achieved. One person who refuses medical intervention, except for debilitating pain (and remember that spiritual power exhibited is a better inhibitor of pain than any single medication), may benefit more from six months of full purposeful living than another person who lives three years, basically just hanging onto earth life. Those who have this latter experience often are rather ashamed as they finally die and cross on over, for they see their actions as more selfish than selfless.

Souls who do grow well in the earth are free to return. I am more supportive if a soul has a developed skill or contribution that truly helps others live, adapt, and love. You are developing well as a teacher or, better, as a guider of learning, so I would be more supportive of your returning to teach again than of some desire to right some wrong you have done. Yes, I do continue to speak to you in positive terms.

It is not necessary for all Christians to see life as I describe it to you. As My servant Lynn writes, it just is a viable option for Christians. There are many reasons why some strong Christians oppose this, only one of which is that they are rather “new creations.” I do like variety in My servants. I have no desire to have all think and be alike. You observe this in earth folks. It is even more true in My total creations.

WED., JULY 19, 1989, 12:42 PM

Hear, o son, some thoughts on a theme that you have heard about many times before. At some later time you may organize a Ruminations around Teachings on this theme over the years We have been in communication. Not yet. This shall just be a resource when the time comes.

I have urged you strongly to consider this concept as eternal or everlasting life rather than as reincarnation. For this encompasses a wider range of souls. Many more souls are “living,” growing and developing in other realms than the . . .

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