Another Call From Jane

MON., SEPT. 19, 1994, 6:38 AM

Yes, o son, you experienced another long phone conversation with Jane, asking for more help. You realize you cannot be of professional help to her, for her condition is complex and serious. Yet in this world in which I am supreme there is a big role for loving friendship. She has called on you for such assistance. You must continue to respond and relate.

The new feature to her story of the “battle” between love and fear in her present life is the disturbing presence of people dressed in black and of writhing snakes as she tries to pray. These are evil spirits that are trying to prevent her from accessing My love and companionship. Though you have had no direct experience with such spirit forces I have told you that they are part of this whole creation of Mine. They serve certain purposes of Mine, and, at the moment, they seem to be hindering Jane’s positive spiritual quest, but know, in truth, that I still have ultimate power over these spirits.

You remember and know well the story of My last evening with My disciples, as Jesus. Judas was one of those disciples, who was basically a good man, but part of his selection was his susceptibility to evil spirits. His thinking about My future was influenced by such spirits, and he became the one who betrayed Me. It was hard for Me to accept and hard for Judas to execute, but it was part of the way I, as Almighty God, wanted My incarnated earth story to end. Evil was a necessary factor… Even though there was death there also was resurrection, the triumph of good over evil, finally. ( 7:08 / 7:12 )

(That act of feeding the rabbits was a small triumph of good and a tribute to one of Jane’s virtues, her love of animals.)

Your request of her to send you some of her writings was one I encouraged and well could be one of those small steps she needs to take, toward love and away from fear. If she can trust you with these expressions of her feelings she is moving toward love, which is always away from fear. If she can’t do this, request them again… until she complies. It is a very positive step. I will help with your interpretation of and reaction to them.

I admit that it is a waste of talent and capability that I see in Jane now. She should be helping others, but the demons that dominate in her are presently too strong. Ironically this thing she cannot do now, helping others, will finally be necessary for her recovery. She must be able to reach out to others who are reaching out to her. Now that is quite unlikely, but she needs to recognize, accept, and appreciate this as a goal for the future… and a sign that recovery is happening.

MON., SEPT. 19, 1994, 6:38 AM

Yes, o son, you experienced another long phone conversation with Jane, asking for more help. You realize you cannot be of professional help to her, for her condition is complex and serious. Yet in this world in which I am supreme there is a big role for loving friendship. She has called on you for such assistance. You must continue to respond and relate.

The new feature to her story of the “battle” between love and fear in her present life is the disturbing presence of people dressed in black and . . .

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