Another Challenge?!

WED., MAY 26, 1999, 8:33 AM

You took some of the comments from the breakfast/study group this morning to be somewhat of a challenge to this that We do together. You are part of the organized Church, with an accepted canon of Scriptures. This gives some stability to the organization, and this is helpful to good functioning. You are an active, fully participating member, but you also are a “closet mystic.” You hear regularly from Me, Holy Spirit, but you tell about this to only a few. And you realize that your Church would be not much more accepting of your claim than Michael’s Orthodox Church. This is troubling to one who likes to be accepted.

And yet you are here, hearing Me… and you could do no other. I am not pressing you to declare this gift (except for the one paragraph in each Ruminations), for I want to be a help to you in these elderly years. Some I have called…and still do call… to be prophets, who are to communicate some special wishes and concerns of Mine to others. As I have told you, this is not your Call.

You are called just to be a faithful servant, hearing Me and writing down what you hear, in this mystical way. At this time this is a sufficient Call. Write Our Ruminations quarterly, but you needn’t “go more public” than these colored pages… unless I direct such.

Was this conversation after breakfast a “challenge” arranged by Me, or were you just over-sensitive to the implications of these Teachings? I’ll just say that I like to have you face some challenges, from time to time, some that I “arrange” and some that I just “use.” Remember that Hugh Lynn Cayce was an active, accepted (?) Presbyterian, following in the “footsteps” of his father, Edgar. Edgar became famous (and also infamous) for countering an accepted assumption and doctrine of the Church, but he chose to remain in the fellowship. So should you, whether this that We do is publicized or not.

I do note that you were close to using yourself as a present-day example of one not committed to all church doctrine. You did offer that I, as Jesus, did act and teach in ways not approved by the Jewish leaders. And I was crucified for this… while, at the same time, I was using this as a way to die for the sins of those who would accept Me as Messiah… Lord… a “part” of the Triune Godhead. Many servants, over the years since My resurrection, have given their lives in many diverse ways… and I appreciate diversity. I am pleased that there was some publicity for the girl at Columbine High who affirmed her allegiance to Me and was killed for such a testimony. She is with Us, joyous in her spiritual life, which your culture calls just an unnecessary death. Was Mine “unnecessary”?

This is the day that you complete 73 years of earth life and go on to the challenge of a 74th year. You haven’t yet developed the rhythm (remember that term?!) that I want for you in these later days. You’re “working at it,” but there’s still too much “clutter” in your life. Your desk looks better now, but I see that whole study/room as a symbol: when it has been neatened you will be closer to the condition of life We both desire.

You have retired from writing your church’s Newsletter, an enjoyable and worthwhile task over these many years, but one that should now be done by another… or others. The Clerk’s duties remain, but there is a predictable end to that responsibility. As these “challenges” abate you still shall have more than enough, given your “increasing slowness.” These are not necessary in the lifestyle I want for you in these elder years. Your challenge now is to develop a quiet, contemplative, but physically active, lifestyle (in spite of your physical losses).

WED., MAY 26, 1999, 8:33 AM

You took some of the comments from the breakfast/study group this morning to be somewhat of a challenge to this that We do together. You are part of the organized Church, with an accepted canon of Scriptures. This gives some stability to the organization, and this is helpful to good functioning. You are an active, fully participating member, but you also are a “closet mystic.” You hear regularly from Me, Holy Spirit, but you tell about this to only a few. And you realize that your Church would be not . . .

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