Another “Challenge” To Free Will

THURS., APR.12, 2001, 9:50 AM

The focus of discussion this morning was on this “mystical” question – were you free to choose this way to Me or were you predestined to be on such a path? (And, yes, I do notice that, once again you have not been able to find one of Our “special pens” that record Teachings, Me to you. Again I say, obviously, go ahead with this one and then hold it “in reserve” after you find those “dedicated” to this “task.”)

You recognized the mystical (rather than the rational) meaning of the description of Me, as Jesus, as… “fully human and fully divine.” Hence, applying this to the stated “question” brings forth the Truth that some of you human are free to choose Me, while some others of you are predestined to be Mine – Christ in you, the hope of glory. Further, some who are chosen are aware of this early in life. (And an interesting “question” is, did I, as Jesus, recognize My “chosenness” before My affirmation, at 12 years of age, that “I must be about My Father’s business”?)

The “depictions” of My life, as Jesus, on television last evening, were somewhat different, and you did relate to the non-musical “Jesus” more surely than “Superstar.” And you’re certain that some others, even among the elect, would prefer the more “modern” picturization. Accept this as just another illustration of the Truth that “I love diversity.” No single way of portraying Me, as God the Father, or as Jesus, the Son and the Christ, is completely right or completely wrong. (Or, in the spirit of the first quote you mentioned… each portrayal of Me [either of Me] is completely right AND completely wrong.)

This, of course, is completely illogical in your culture’s dominant way of thinking. Rather, it is mystical, but “completely?” You accept that you have been chosen (not because of spiritual “merit,” but just because I, Holy Spirit, called you.) This is quite consistent with the “historical” theology of the Presbyterian “portion” of Christianity, but is not easily accepted by, “democratic Americans” (“everyone should have an equal chance… God doesn’t show preferences.”)

Yet last night’s portrayal of “Jesus” showed Me choosing 12 men as “official” disciples. (The women who were close to Me seemed to have chosen Me, but…) Your morning study group is now launching into Romans, attributed to Paul, certainly the most obvious “choosee” in the New Testament story. Yet some readers of Scripture, particularly Americans, are uncomfortable with Paul’s affirmations of chosenness… while you are “attracted” by such direct admission of My “undemocratic” nature.

You accepted the Truth of “election” (an interestingly ambiguous term, since its secular use focuses on campaigning and then being elected in a democratic fashion) some years before I called you to this spiritual “opportunity.” I wanted you to be an active Presbyterian churchman, but I also gave you the “task” of “fitting in” to middle class American Presbyterian churches AND becoming an active mystic, hearing Me in ways Biblical but “well, not anymore.”

And, of course, you are “different” from most of your fellow Presbys in knowing about “eternal life,” here in the earth, as well as in heavenly realms. I tell you that life in the earth as a human, for the FIRST time, is not necessarily Pass or Fail. Rather, this earth “plane” is an excellent “realm” for some spirits to mature… or fail to “make progress.” Just as, in a human setting and time, you have given your sons, many chances to mature as persons and to come to Me, in some variety of ways, so I may (even will) give souls “more than one life” in which to acknowledge Me and accept “Oneship” with Me.

THURS., APR.12, 2001, 9:50 AM

The focus of discussion this morning was on this “mystical” question – were you free to choose this way to Me or were you predestined to be on such a path? (And, yes, I do notice that, once again you have not been able to find one of Our “special pens” that record Teachings, Me to you. Again I say, obviously, go ahead with this one and then hold it “in reserve” after you find those “dedicated” to this “task.”)

You recognized the mystical (rather than the rational) meaning of the description . . .

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