Another Change Of Season

FRI., OCT. 15, 1993, 6:28 AM

Yes, o son, the summer is fading, and the autumn season is definitely here. Oh, there still shall be some warmth, but the leaves are definitely changing now, and soon they shall fall in great numbers. You now are seeing spaces where the morning sky shows through your leafy canopy. This is the season of loss… loss of the beautiful leaves. But, as Bernie says, many of them leave in a beautiful fashion, showing who they “really are.”

You are in such a season in your life, and you are doing rather well in showing who you really are… as I want you to be. You now dress mostly the way you want to, rather than what others expect of you. Your teaching is increasingly an art form rather than a standard academic practice. You have much to do, but increasingly you feel and act as a servant of Mine, rather than one beset by worldly duties.

As you know, many places in the earth don’t have clear, about equal seasons. It was important to your view and living of life to spend at least half your life in such a place as this, with four seasons. Some don’t appreciate such changes. You do, and I want you to so appreciate.

You have rememorized that favorite, important Scriptural passage from Ecclesiastes… for everything there is a season… This should be something you can say, accurately and with feeling. This earth is a realm of seasons, and I want you to be aware of as many of these as possible.

It is now the season to pluck up what is planted, for most plants die as this fall season develops. It shall be time to clean up the garden and build the soil yet some more., with various wastes. This is a small part of your life now, but it shall be more vital in the future. You are living your life now, but also preparing for a future. In like fashion you are planting a garden now each season possible, but also preparing for a future when this gardening shall be more vital.

It is another season of some pain and disability, even as this diminished during your last trip west. Medically, you are doing what is prescribed, reasonably well. When there is pain, bear it well, and do as much as you can with the stiffness. My prescription is ever to be renewed: feel the joy in the life you lead and show it forth to both those you know, and those you don’t. With your eyes, your smile your gait, and your demeanor show forth the love you receive from Me… for love and faith in Me is a powerful force for healing and restoration. Focus on what you have rather on what is bothersome. You have great spiritual health, so display it!

You shall travel again in just more than a week. It is the season for your traveling, which means preparing for your responsibilities that remain while you are away. This shall have to be a week of “lists”… reminders of what you must do to keep this traveling season well balanced. I shall have more to say, naturally, about this upcoming trip when the time is closer. Today you must assess the tasks as fully as possible, and then set priorities. Your time away will be longer on this trip. (See what I mean!)

FRI., OCT. 15, 1993, 6:28 AM

Yes, o son, the summer is fading, and the autumn season is definitely here. Oh, there still shall be some warmth, but the leaves are definitely changing now, and soon they shall fall in great numbers. You now are seeing spaces where the morning sky shows through your leafy canopy. This is the season of loss… loss of the beautiful leaves. But, as Bernie says, many of them leave in a beautiful fashion, showing who they “really are.”

You are in such a season in your life, and you are doing . . .

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