Another Change Of Season

FRI., SEPT. 13, 1996, 11:55 AM

The air has a different feel to it, and the green leaves that still hang on are looking tired. Classes are well underway, and next week your favorite one will be out here for your “family story”. It is the autumn season, still one of work for you, but also one of enjoying the beauty of this earth as it changes, finally, rather dramatically. You are considering the first fire in the fireplace, and it is almost time for stoves instead of fans.

You also entertain the feeling that this is the autumn of your life. It is now rather well known that this is your last year before retirement, when you’ll be 71… which does seem like autumn, at least. Three score and ten, and you’re now into your bonus years. This shall be a good time in your life, and you’re not expecting it to be as long as that of your parents. Now if you had a sense that the end of this life on earth would be “the end”… or that you’d never be back in the earth again, after this life… it would be reasonable for you to want to live on, no matter what the quality and circumstances.

But, remember, you have not only the assurance of your religious, tradition and your Christian faith that life in the spirit continues on, but you have My personal affirmation, as Holy Spirit, that when you drop this functioning, but imperfect, body, your spirit and consciousness will be more functional than they are now. You will be aware of more than you are now… and of more of who and what you have been, before Bob Russell. You will have, with My help, a clearer sense of how you have grown and matured, spiritually… and what your “weaknesses” still are. (I only focus on weaknesses as a way of increasing the positive nature of spirit.) Then you and I will decide what is best for the continuation of your mystical journey. For it will continue… and I’ll just add… you do well, here in the earth.

“For everything there is a season”. “Seasons” are a good way of seeing life and earth events. This is one reason why I felt this place, Southern Illinois, was a good one for you. As you have observed, the 4 seasons are just about equal in length here, each with its own special characteristics. The clothes you wear change, but then will change back again. There is a circular nature to the seasons that is closer to reality than the linear preference your culture has, represented in numbered years.

This is an ideal day in late summer, shading into autumn. Soon the scenes from your windows will be quite different, with leaves, in their many colors being on the ground, and only the evergreens now retaining the green color of the season retreating. Appreciate each season, and each aspect of the seasons.

It is too bad that the season for this dog of yours, Mele, shall not be a long one. Her cyclic nature is not compatible with the life style you desire. Just appreciate the times you have had together. She has had a good life. It shall just be shorter than expected. Many lives are like that. She, in her spirit, still appreciates you and is thankful to you for the enjoyment she has had.

This season, just ahead, is for teaching, and you are well aware of your slowed pace and the time it takes to be a high quality teacher. Enjoy it, even as it becomes frustrating at times. It shall be better to be frustrated with time than with doing a “less-than-your-best” job with each class.

It is the near-end of the season for Our Ruminations, and this must come before the letters, important as some of these are. You know My priorities, in every season, but I must still remind you and urge you.

FRI., SEPT. 13, 1996, 11:55 AM

The air has a different feel to it, and the green leaves that still hang on are looking tired. Classes are well underway, and next week your favorite one will be out here for your “family story”. It is the autumn season, still one of work for you, but also one of enjoying the beauty of this earth as it changes, finally, rather dramatically. You are considering the first fire in the fireplace, and it is almost time for stoves instead of fans.

You also entertain the feeling that this is . . .

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