Another Conflict

MON., FEB. 3, 1986, 6:32 AM

The title I offered you first was Life Should Be Simple, and that would have been a worthwhile Teaching in itself. But I decided to center on the conflict which that assertion raises, for it is another of the conflicts that are Mine to deal with as a result of creation. The first one that I offered to you was the conflict between My love for My human creations (along with their God-given capacity to reproduce) and My love for this earth in its natural beauties and capacities. With more and more people, the earth must change… and the changes are rarely ones pleasing to Me. And now hear, o son, of yet another conflict.

Let’s start with the admonition that life should be simple. This does not mean that humans should live in caves, wear skins, and be cold and ill-fed. For I gave to the human a brain, a great creation (if I must say so), along with a bit of the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. This allows, even forces, certain individuals to envision a future and judge it to be better… to create new structures and ways of functioning and judging some to be good and some not. Thus, particularly in what is called the Western World, simplicity has given way to progress, and many innovations have been called good that do not deserve such an evaluation.

Now it is true that people of the West have controlled reproduction well, but have assumed that this can be traded for the license to create and create, with no counting of the cost in materials and energy. My desire is there be as much restraint in relation to innovation and manufacturing as there is in relation to reproduction. Profligacy in either direction is not pleasing to Me.

I have no objection to automobiles as a means of transportation, but they need not be as fast and as powerful as some are, there need not be luxury models that simply flaunt wealth or feed selfish desires to be noticed. I have no objection to airplanes, but there need not be as many… flying inefficiently at less than full capacity. I do object to many objects that are created which have neither a necessary use nor inherent beauty. The controlling of population should not result in unfettered manufacturing, using resources and energies that should rather be shared with generations yet to come.

Interestingly, the conflict seems to arise from the symbolic fact that humans did not eat fully enough of the forbidden fruit… of that which would have them see the rightness of one action and the wrongness of another. Now I realize, certainly, that these are not simple, pristine categories. I realize that your great nation spends billions and uses materials and energy in great amounts on armaments… not for the wrong purpose of killing innocent people, but for the right purpose of defending and preserving your land and culture from those who would take away your freedoms. Smart people can always justify what they do as being for right, good reasons. Oh, for a few more bites of the fruit!

Of course I know the resolution of the conflict is in the growth of spirit, the force that can curb the intemperances of the creative, dominating mind. More spirit would bring more simplification to your culture… more desire to share rather than to flaunt… less desire to be militant and more actual desire for peace and brotherhood. Yet I have allowed creative minds to function with very little buffering by spirit. And thus My conflict… should I get what I want with unnatural means, or should I wait patiently for the growth of spirit.

MON., FEB. 3, 1986, 6:32 AM

The title I offered you first was Life Should Be Simple, and that would have been a worthwhile Teaching in itself. But I decided to center on the conflict which that assertion raises, for it is another of the conflicts that are Mine to deal with as a result of creation. The first one that I offered to you was the conflict between My love for My human creations (along with their God-given capacity to reproduce) and My love for this earth in its natural beauties and capacities. With more . . .

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