Another Day To Remember

WED., JAN. 8, 1992, 9:02 AM

Your preparedness for this unusual time and place for a Teaching was not complete, but you have adapted well. Use this pen as your auxiliary, but be sure that its use is minimal. You commenced this cool, rainy day with another remembrance of Peter. Symbolically it would be good to get at least a few of the Ruminations out today, on his birthday, since his life and death are a main theme in the Letter. Continue to remember this son, for he certainly remembers you and the rest of his family. And his perception now is so much different than when he was a struggling teenager. The difference in perceptions of earth life are so improved, “from this side” that many people who come on over have to wonder why they tried to postpone death so earnestly.

Then in the early part of dawn on this day you began with a start at Bible study, a supreme way to start a day. This should be a good group, and the study will be a good one for you, for you note that Peter is “big” on destiny and chosenness. Read the whole book today, as a preface to the study. Then carefully reflect on the study guide as the process continues. Continue, of course, your reading of My son David’s life and destiny. Note but don’t be bothered by the incongruities in the text. These basically are tests of faith and continuing evidence that the Scriptures are basically mystical in nature.

Continue to be skeptical of “Biblical criticism.” As I have told you I have mixed feelings about professed servants of Mine who become too “scholarly” in relation to My Scriptures. Some do this with real dedication, but others become almost secular in their analysis and raise unnecessary doubts in the minds… and even spirits… of those who read their writings. This is particularly insidious in “mainline” seminaries, where success is too often measured by acceptance of various criticisms or scholarly explanations of Scriptural passages… and historical background. Just be aware of this as you study My Word.

The note to Terri is soon on its way. I repeat: write her often, with encouragement. It was no chance that brought her to your tutelage, and her spirit still yearns for the feeding that you and these Teachings have her. Make it a point to send her a Teaching a week, on the average. Pray for her, an important “adjunct” to her on-going therapy. Heed this call from your Holy Spirit.

It is bothersome to have the cost of printing your Ruminations rise again, but remember that this is a special mission of yours. You can still afford it, certainly, and if you combine this with My recommendation to reduce subscriptions and memberships gradually you should be able to balance the cost without pain. I tell you again: continue to cull your mailing list, but know that this is very important reading for many who receive it. It is a unique mission opportunity, as important as your giving to the church. It will be easier if you set up a fund, and put money into it each month, with a larger chunk in the summer, (if that extra money continues). Don’t consider shortening it further yet, and surely don’t resent new readers as these “arise.”

In relation to your health continue, fundamentally, as I have encouraged you. Think of yourself as a supremely healthy person, and act accordingly. Have powerful faith in your body’s capacities to heal itself and to adapt as necessary. Do what you do (and don’t do) as manifestations of positive, holistic health rather than as preventive measures for some life-shortening development. Hear again that life is not ended by death, or even shortened. It is merely a transition and it is most satisfying if you are ready for it. Continue to compensate for any physical or intellectual losses with the showing forth of a more well-developed spirit. This is your essence, and its health is of most importance.

WED., JAN. 8, 1992, 9:02 AM

Your preparedness for this unusual time and place for a Teaching was not complete, but you have adapted well. Use this pen as your auxiliary, but be sure that its use is minimal. You commenced this cool, rainy day with another remembrance of Peter. Symbolically it would be good to get at least a few of the Ruminations out today, on his birthday, since his life and death are a main theme in the Letter. Continue to remember this son, for he certainly remembers you and the rest of his . . .

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