Another Doctor

TUES., AUG. 11, 1998, 7:10 AM

In search of some restoration of function in your left hand you encountered, yesterday, yet another doctor of medicine. He is a friendly, affable helper, with some skills in testing, uncomfortable as these are. Now he will decide what all of these numbers mean, but it appears to be a more complex problem than judged before. Thus you continue a chasing after wholeness, a noble goal, but not always attainable at your age.

Probably there will be recommendations for more tests… or some invasive action. Your medical care system is loathe to admit that “what you have is what you shall have”… that full function will not return. You are pleased with the adaptations your body has made to this “imperfection”. You wish for more normality, but you’re almost ready to accept what is and cease this chasing. I won’t say more at this time.

I will remind you, however, that health… that which you seek to regain and maintain… is much more spiritual than it is physical. Medicine, as practiced in your dominant culture, is mainly physical in orientation. You were subjected to electrical jolts which seemed to indicate that the nerves controlling your left hand are not functioning as they should. The medical questions then become: why is this so?… and what can be done, physically, to restore full control, feeling, and strength? Chasing after such answers can be a long and expensive process.

Consider, instead, a more spiritual approach, based on the premise that spirit was before there was a body, can be strong even when the body is not, and shall be, even fuller, when the body is no more. Blatant miracles are possible. I have no objection to your praying for such, as long as any prayer is preceded by thanks and penitence. Or, a strong spirit, attending to your life as I want it to be, can bring healing in a more slow and less dramatic way. This is as responsible for the almost-full functioning of your right foot as the surgery… and you have adapted well to this minor loss.

Or… your spirit is the main factor in the acceptance of this condition, as it is, and guides you in living as a semi-handicapped Son of Mine. It is a minor loss. Let your spirit guide you as to how you can grow from such a physical life experience… in spirit. Can you be one who lives joyfully, with appreciation for all that you have and less and less attention to what was? Can you continue to adapt, so that you are satisfied and pleased with what you can do… and how… rather than over-focusing on what “used to be”? If so, you will be exhibiting spiritual health, and, by such exhibition, will be causing and allowing that spirit to increase in influence.

So… I’ll say it yet again (for more complete learning!): one of the truths (and “tricks”) of life here in the earth, in a body, is that as the body loses function the spirit should grow to compensate. I could say… and I will… that as your body dies your spirit should be at its strongest. Some persons achieve this balance. Many, even many Christians, do not. Medical treatment tends to limit… even prevent… the dominance of spirit. So… beware.

I won’t say that you should cease your “chasing”, but I do want you to let your spirit, abetted by Mine, have dominance. Enjoy this life. Serve others in ways that are your best ways. Be true to what I advise. Be as I want you to be… and as you want yourself to be.

TUES., AUG. 11, 1998, 7:10 AM

In search of some restoration of function in your left hand you encountered, yesterday, yet another doctor of medicine. He is a friendly, affable helper, with some skills in testing, uncomfortable as these are. Now he will decide what all of these numbers mean, but it appears to be a more complex problem than judged before. Thus you continue a chasing after wholeness, a noble goal, but not always attainable at your age.

Probably there will be recommendations for more tests… or some invasive action. Your medical care system is loathe . . .

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