Another Ecological “Lesson”

FRI., NOV. 12, 1993, 6:45 AM

It has been some time since I have offered you thoughts… a “lesson”… that is ecological, involving interactions among you humans, the other living things, and the earth itself. Though you now call your perspective on health an holistic one (and you should) you mustn’t put aside this ecological one, into which I guided you also.

The fundamental truth, portrayed or alluded to in both creation stories in Genesis, is that I created all of life and put it into sustainable relationships. One story says I created the human before other forms of life, but this is a metaphor for human responsibility in caring for and preserving, as well as using, the other life forms. The more accurate tale is that humans were created last, with souls that live for eternity. These souls are the critical factor in remember and honoring the responsibility for care of the earth, even to actions which do not seem beneficial.

You have developed such a feeling, and you live in accordance with it fairly well. This Farm allows and encourages a life style that is much more in balance than would be possible in any of the cities you have visited recently. Cities are interesting sites for living and of course I love humans who live in cities, from the affluent to the very poor, but I also see the imbalances that cities encourage and even require. Cities are a very mixed blessing, and you are fortunate that living in one is not a necessity for you.

I, the Holy Spirit of the Lord and Creator God, continue to have concerns about the increasing human population and about the result of “economic growth.” I still want you to have a reverence for human life, My highest creation, but I also realize that it is harder to value highly anything that is in “excess supply.” Thus, I am not fundamentally troubled by various causes of human death. Some individuals do return to Me earlier than they would have expected, but all come over eventually, and when you’re outside of time “premature” death is of little consequence.

Some efforts to extend human life by expensive means are downright silly, and though I generally don’t interfere with such innovation I also let humans and cultures take the consequences. Your culture’s dilemma now, in this regard, is, as you have been saying, how to provide all that modern medicine can do to all who “need” it, as they “need” it. Your concern for extending life and improving its quality is quite acceptable, but providing services that cannot be paid for is ultimately foolish. This dilemma will have to be resolved with political bartering, and I enter into this very seldom. Every “answer” will be opposed by some. Ah, Me.

As I have told you often, I have no favorite economic or political system. That which your culture has offers some advantages, but the continued emphasis on growth is not sustainable and ultimately will bring more harm than good to My Creation. To be concerned only with the human welfare that profits bring is commendable but short-sighted. I shall not intervene to halt this, but I shall allow consequences that shall not be comfortably associated with My gentle Way.

Incidentally, I liked and approve of your action to continue your Survival contribution in the Spring term, for Kathy’s benefit. This is a proper sacrifice for another, and despite the stress on you it will give yet another group of students an exposure to your…even Our… message.

FRI., NOV. 12, 1993, 6:45 AM

It has been some time since I have offered you thoughts… a “lesson”… that is ecological, involving interactions among you humans, the other living things, and the earth itself. Though you now call your perspective on health an holistic one (and you should) you mustn’t put aside this ecological one, into which I guided you also.

The fundamental truth, portrayed or alluded to in both creation stories in Genesis, is that I created all of life and put it into sustainable relationships. One story says I created the human before . . .

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