Another God?

WED., JUNE 30, 1999, 8:48 AM

As you read and discuss this account of My participation, as Yahweh, the One God, with the people of Israel you wonder how I could have been so different from the Me that comes to you. Or… am I actually the same, so that most… if not all… tragedies in the earth are caused by Me? And… do I have a “favorite people” that get more of My benefits, often at the “expense” of others?

A major overall question, however, is… do I… or to what extent do I… micromanage this earth scene? Is that a good number of questions? Will I offer answers?

First, I’ll say that there are not simple, easy-to-understand answers to these queries, but you’ll appreciate this more when your earth life is over and you return to a spirit realm. Then I’ll affirm that I am “the same, yesterday, today, and forever”… BUT that means that I act when, where, how, and with whom I please. By your culture’s standards I am not consistent… except in the meaning I just gave you.

How are you like and unlike Moses? in relationship with Me? I called Moses, and I called you. I called him from a burning bush, while I called you by means of a “lost” manuscript… not nearly as dramatic, but… some. I called Moses to a task that seemed, to him, to be greater than he could accomplish, but I really gave him no choice. Your task was somewhat difficult, but not as tough as his. You can’t remember thinking, “Will I still be doing this in 20 years?” Moses didn’t know how long his call would be…and he started it at age 80!

His call was to be the leader of a people who were not very enthusiastic about him. Yours is just to write what I say to you, without concern for how these Teachings might be used. You are not called to any “active leadership.” So… . there needs be no consistency to the calls I make to chosen humans… and some I don’t call at all.

Is this “unfair” of Me? Being concerned about “fairness” is legitimate in present-day human situations, but I am above human considerations. None of you can come close to seeing the earth and all other realms as clearly and completely as I can. Was I being “fair” with the Egyptians in the Exodus story? Was I fair with Moses after his long service to Me? Did he deserve a “booth” up on the mountain with Me, as Jesus? It isn’t easy being the Triune God, the only One there is? AND it is incredibly easy, because I AM God!

This story that you are reconsidering (given the underlining you find in your Bible) is one that suggests some hardships and tragedies here in the earth come to some who, personally, don’t “deserve” what they must bear. Yet, as I’ve told you, time and again, all happenings in the earth have the potential for spiritual growth… and, often, for spiritual diminishment. Is this fair? Your standards of fairness just do not apply to Me. For remember, also, that My apparent “unfairness” can be beneficial as well as detrimental. You just have to trust that I know how to be God.

I knew, of course, that these Jews, who I led out of slavery in Egypt and who have remembered this Exodus throughout the ages since, would not accept Me, Jesus, as their expected Messiah. I knew that they, My “chosen people” would crucify Me, giving Me the opportunity of giving My earthly life for the salvation of many, even these many years later. And there’s no way you can know of the many ways I have “chosen” people other than Jews and Christians.

WED., JUNE 30, 1999, 8:48 AM

As you read and discuss this account of My participation, as Yahweh, the One God, with the people of Israel you wonder how I could have been so different from the Me that comes to you. Or… am I actually the same, so that most… if not all… tragedies in the earth are caused by Me? And... do I have a “favorite people” that get more of My benefits, often at the “expense” of others?

A major overall question, however, is… do I… or to what extent do I… micromanage this . . .

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