Another “Leading” Opportunity

SAT., JULY 17, 1999, 1:32 PM

Tomorrow you shall again be in front of your congregation… small as it is likely to be on a summer Sunday… leading worship. You don’t seem to feel as enthused about this opportunity as you usually do… and I’ll remind you that a major reason for your seeking membership on the Session is this “honor” of occasionally leading worship. So… heed My comments.

First, of course, is the necessity of being full of life, effervescent, and full of fun as you have this chance to “be in front.” You are “the best” when you can generate these aspects of spirit and show them forth. You don’t feel as sure about this as you usually do, and this is bothersome.

You expect that there will be some confusion, without the regular bulletin “readings” to carry the service along. Let this be just another opportunity for your spirit to be enhanced as it is exhibited. But there will be some “flubs.” Just don’t be taken down by such. Enjoy them as much as you can.

Last evening you again reviewed, for yourself and for Me some of the leadership positions and opportunities you’ve had in your life (mostly in the younger and middle years). Then you reiterated that those times and types of leadership are about over, and you now look forward to a time of fewer and fewer calls for these types of service. There will be other ways in which you can serve – others… and Me – and these shall arise or they will originate in you.

You are seen, by many, as a leader in your church congregation. As Clerk of Session you almost “automatically” qualify as a leader, but you haven’t “pushed yourself” as such a leader, and you are not apt to do so in the future, even as the Interim Pastor may look to you in “times of need.” While you won’t turn her down when you can help, you realize there will be others, from the three Boards, who will be eager to show forth knowledge and initiative. Just remember that you are moving toward a time of non-attachment, of less active participation, in all organizations.

Times of “glory” and recognition have been yours to enjoy, and it is good to be able to recall such… as sufficient for a lifetime. Oh, you won’t become a complete recluse, but what you attempt… and do… will have to be adjusted to your slowed and lessened capacities. As you think of son Michael, you can give thanks that you have had the chance to live through a productive and responsible life and now to enjoy these latter years with less activity and responsibility. If you don’t live too long into the dysfunctional years, like unto your parents and Mabel, you will have lived this earth life, as Bob Russell, quite well.

Virtually everything you do now… and from now on… should be seen as fun… or you should look for the fun aspect. You have such a “barn-full” of positive, successful life experiences that nothing, in your future, should be seen as tragic or “unfair.” Virtually nothing that could happen to you could over-balance all of the good that your life has included.

So, show forth such a spirit of thankfulness, joy, acceptance of My Presence in your life as you lead worship tomorrow. It is too bad that these “conflicts” don’t allow you to be with the Cobden church as its members celebrate this anniversary, but you’ll still have decisions to make… between “goods”… even as you simplify your lifestyle.

On the morrow, put aside considerations of conflict involving members with one another and with Richard. View that congregation before you as a small portion of Christ’s Body, united in some mystical way… “study the peace, unity, and purity of the Church” (and, yes, you should work that into your prayer, somehow and somewhere.)

SAT., JULY 17, 1999, 1:32 PM

Tomorrow you shall again be in front of your congregation… small as it is likely to be on a summer Sunday… leading worship. You don’t seem to feel as enthused about this opportunity as you usually do… and I’ll remind you that a major reason for your seeking membership on the Session is this “honor” of occasionally leading worship. So… heed My comments.

First, of course, is the necessity of being full of life, effervescent, and full of fun as you have this chance to “be in front.” You . . .

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