Another Look At Perspectives

SAT., JULY 29, 1995, 5:43 AM

From the “Teaching Another” papers that were reported on in your last class yesterday and from the “testimonial” statements at the end it seemed clear that your focus on perspectives on death is an important one. This morning you will make that presentation, yet again, and so, since you heeded My admonition of yesterday morning, I shall offer you “another look” at these five.

Naturally the Christian perspective is the one of most interest to Me, the Holy Spirit of the Triune God. But as you well know, I am not limited by Holy Scripture, as vital as it is, nor by the confessions and dogmas of the churches called Christian. These are all useful to Me. They are the parts of My Body, as the Risen Christ. In one sense each is a perfect part of a perfect Body. Yet the body analogy also forces the observation that there can be defects. Just as your body, a perfect Temple of the Holy Spirit, shows defects and imperfections so some of the doctrines of My Churches are too narrow for Me.

I’ll talk to you about this Christian perspective, expanding it to include premises from the others, each of which could be held without the Christian “base.” I have allowed you humans to have a wide range of perceptions and values about this earth life you lead, and this “allowance” has produced a wide range. If I am displeased with this, who do I have to blame, other than Myself?

In the Christian perspective I, Almighty God, am the Creator and Sustainer of all life. Humans are the highest form of life, because I created you to be such. There has been, and still is, an evolutionary process that is part of My creation plan, but this merely is a good way to assure that, in all ways, humans are “in My Image.” The purpose of life is to acknowledge Me as the Source of your life and to serve Me, as both a Master and a Friend. You must serve Me. You also want to serve Me.

The fullness of My Creation process requires death in order for life to continue. Food is essential to life, and food must, at one time, have been alive. Humans must take the life of plants and animals in order to live. But if there were no human death, and humans dominated, other life forms would be squeezed out, and the food supply would dwindle. So, as Jesus, God in human form, I showed that death was necessary. For what? For continuing life beyond the physical, outside of time, space, and the need for food, where there is no obvious crowding.

Yet earth life is to be valued, and human relationships can be, in love and dedication, close to relationship with Me. In such relationships honor and integrity are developed, and the principle of sacrifice is “acted out” and appreciated. As Jesus I showed how to die with dignity, accepting an unmerited death. And through this I promised what had always been – eternal, everlasting life.

In My creation of plants I created both annuals and perennials. Why shouldn’t it be the same for humans? Elemental atoms are not lost, but move easily back and forth from living to “non-living” matter. Each human is a soul within a body. Some souls are “brand new,” with much potential for growth, but little experience, as a human and a soul. Many souls are older and have achieved some growth, but some of these are first-timers, even only-timers, here in the earth. (You are one with considerable growth… enough to hear and respond to Me as I call… who has been here in the earth some number of times.) I do like a balance, here in the earth, so I balance old, “medium,” and new souls, with different balances at different “times” and in different cultures.

SAT., JULY 29, 1995, 5:43 AM

From the “Teaching Another” papers that were reported on in your last class yesterday and from the “testimonial” statements at the end it seemed clear that your focus on perspectives on death is an important one. This morning you will make that presentation, yet again, and so, since you heeded My admonition of yesterday morning, I shall offer you “another look” at these five.

Naturally the Christian perspective is the one of most interest to Me, the Holy Spirit of the Triune God. But as you well know, I am not . . .

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