Another Look At Sun

TUES., MAR. 22, 1988, 6:37 AM

My created orb, the sun, shines brightly this morning, and this promises to be the warmest day of Spring thus far. The winter season is past, even as you will experience a few more times of relative cold. The season ahead is that in which the sun gives ever more heat, and the earth and its plant life responds. So, I shall tell you more about this great source of heat and light as you experience some of each.

It has been appropriate for some early and primitive peoples to worship the sun as a god. For, actually, it is a marvelous symbol of Me, and a very positive one. The Holy Scriptures give no direction for a relationship between Me and the sun, so consequently good theologians have not offered this as a reality. Also those who did look in reverence toward the sun were considered pagan, and therefore Christians had another good reason to stay away from any linking of sun and God. Now you know why you shouldn’t be considering this theme. Write on, as I develop it for you.

The sun is the physical analog for creation and sustenance of this earth. The sun is the primary force in all that happens naturally in the earth’s processes. Without the sun’s warmth and light nothing would have grown that would make human life possible. On some planets there is too much heat; on others there is not enough. Earth is the “Mama Bear” of planets – just right for light and heat.

The sun evaporates water from the earth. The sun causes air movement which moves clouds so that precipitation falls, and the earth is enriched. Basic food materials grow and develop, so that human life and other forms of life flourish. All forms of life become possible food for other forms. And the sun makes all of this possible. Yet I am the Power that sustains this sun.

In spiritual terms I am the source of spirit and of spiritual strength. When one grows in spirit it is because I am helping and abetting this progress. I am the Source on which individual spirits feed. It appears that the sun moves around the earth, and it appears that each of you is a free spirit, unrelated to any common Source. Actually, the sun is the body that is stationery, and the earth moves around it, resulting in the seasons. In like fashion all spirits move in relation to Me, the stable Source. Some try to get too close, and are spiritually “burned” as a result. Many stay too far away, and receive too little light and heat. Those who are drawn to Me establish an orbit that produces maximum spiritual growth… and acknowledge Me as that Source.

Now this analogy makes Me the great External Source. What about the internal? In the earth the sun can assist growth only when there is the biological potential for growth. Seeds are planted. A plant, a bush, a tree… each grows because there is internal potential in that seed, which is assisted by warmth, light, and water. And the growth is encouraged or inhibited by the environment around. So in humans the spirit in each has potential, and grows out of that potential, with My help. This growth is assisted or is stunted by family, by circumstances of birth and nurture, by friends, and by other folks, more or less spiritually developed (the church, for example).

It is now known that there must be protection from some emanations from the sun, and I have provided this for the earth. Certain modern processes, processes not instituted by Me, are deteriorating that protection and increasing the risk of being in the sun. How foolish to continue such processes, with admonitions to stay out of the sun. Certain people, with influence in the church, behave in foolish ways, and, as a result, others move away from Me, feeling it is healthier to “stay out of the sun.” Pity.

TUES., MAR. 22, 1988, 6:37 AM

My created orb, the sun, shines brightly this morning, and this promises to be the warmest day of Spring thus far. The winter season is past, even as you will experience a few more times of relative cold. The season ahead is that in which the sun gives ever more heat, and the earth and its plant life responds. So, I shall tell you more about this great source of heat and light as you experience some of each.

It has been appropriate for some early and primitive peoples to worship . . .

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