Another Look At Time

TUES., MAY 23, 1995, 9:23 AM

Yes, o son, I had you reread that Teaching (even as you didn’t have a name for it then) that you wrote 16 years ago today, in your first week of hearing Me and writing. It was about time, how you should and should not “use” it. Time is an invention of the earth. It has reality here only for convenience. I am outside of time and so are other realms of being. Don’t be bothered that you can’t quite envision such a state. Just accept that some day you will experience it yet again, and you will see it in contrast to life here.

But there is time here, and it can be demanding. You are now in a span with no great demands, and yet you have responsibilities for letters, for deciding on a class schedule for next month, the newsletter, transplanting and lawn mowing, and… None of these are crucial, but you feel the pull. You have assumed many responsibilities in your life thus far, and it is not easy to just “waste time” without some sense of guilt.

Fortunately you remain fairly faithful to Me and to the commitment that commenced in this month, these years ago. You do not have the time pressures that Andy feels. She wants what these pressures point to, and I want this for her, too. Even as I am outside of time I am quite aware of how it affects some of you humans. I have begun in a less structured way, with her, than I used with you. I did not push for the same sort of commitment of time that I pulled from you. But I want her to become more comfortable with this gift, even as it does require some of her precious time. (But she does write faster than you do, as you have observed.)

You look out, and from the leaves and the sunshine you could know that it is about mid-morning on a Spring toward Summer day. You are here, so you must not have responsibilities elsewhere. You cleaned hutches and changed rabbits and chickens around yesterday in a good… and different… expenditure of time. Yet the need for you to give more time to your garden and to “cleanup” is evident.

In relation to both time and money I shall provide whatever you need and what is best for you. Continue to know that time with Me is time that is very well spent… AND… is, finally, outside of time. Thus, in a strange, and surely mystical, way that “time” that supposedly elapses between the hour and minutes that you put at the top of the first page and that which is your last entry on page 3 is not time at all. In this, you are outside of time, with Me. I want you to see no watch or clock, for these have no relevance while you listen to Me. Consider this: your starting hour/minute figure tells when you left time, and the ending one indicates when you reentered. Thus, if you ever wanted to, you could figure up how much you have been outside of time, even in your time-conscious realm.

Of course there isn’t time to do all that you would like or that you should. Contrast this with your parents and with Mabel who have excessive time and nothing much of importance to do. You don’t see this as a desirable state, but maybe you will, should you reach that. Just be thankful now that you have many fewer demands on your time than you did earlier in your career, with more family responsibilities and pressures.

TUES., MAY 23, 1995, 9:23 AM

Yes, o son, I had you reread that Teaching (even as you didn’t have a name for it then) that you wrote 16 years ago today, in your first week of hearing Me and writing. It was about time, how you should and should not “use” it. Time is an invention of the earth. It has reality here only for convenience. I am outside of time and so are other realms of being. Don’t be bothered that you can’t quite envision such a state. Just accept that some . . .

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As I have told you before, and often, most of the measurements of time are circular, with only a few being linear. Your culture assumes that human life is linear, because it appears that way – birth… life… death… a certain number of years, months, and days. Yet you have more of a sense that life is circular, repetitive like the days and the seasons. The earth appears to be flat, but it is round. The sun appears to move, but it doesn’t. Are viruses a real cause of disease or do those who become diseased lack certain “protections,” even spiritual? Can humans eradicate microorganisms, in a symbolic linear fashion, or do these creations of Mine “rise up”, in a more circular fashion, to help balance life forms.

“Time is of the essence” is a secular, unspiritual utterance. Commitment is of the essence, say I. And balance is important, too… a balancing of commitments. You see, all that you could have been doing, instead of this, still remains. And I have stimulated your spirit in My indubitable way.

So long
10:20 AM