Another Look… Continued

SAT., JULY 29, 1995, 10:10 PM

The presentation this morning went well, even as your playing was not your best. The response was good enough, and Paula was pleased, as usual. So, as you at least start this in this time of evening, I shall continue with this look at Our perspectives.

Again I’ll say that, as you would expect, I favor the Christian perspective, but as I see it there is quite an expansion from the basic position you present. It is true, however, that this expanded Christian perspective is not strongly in favor of preserving and prolonging human life, as most of you American middle-class Christians would expect. While it is true that an earth incarnation is a valuable experience for your soul… for each person’s soul… earth life can be overvalued. If each of you would live each earth day for Me, serving Me and your fellow humans it would be quite inconsequential when you died.

Without modern medicine it would seem that the control of pain would be much less, with added suffering. This would be the case, to some extent, but there would have to be more internal and spiritual control of pain, with more non-invasive help. With a range of medications spiritual dealing with pain isn’t necessary… and therefore you may lose or never develop these capacities. Too bad, say I.

As I’ve told you before, as Jesus I felt pain while nailed to the cross, but this was because I wanted to. I had the spiritual capacity to block out pain completely, but I needed the pain experience. But there were times when I turned the pain off completely, as I spoke to certain people. A truly Christian “attitude” is a very important preventer and moderator of pain.

With many Christians there is too much attachment to earth, home, job, family, and friends as death approaches. When it is time to face death you should see it as another door… to a life that is different, but usually better than what you are leaving. There is activity for the spirit, whichever realm you pass to… and for you this will be even more familiar than your present life. It is not good to drop commitments too soon, but this is much less likely than keeping attachments too long.

The Scriptures should assure you that it is quite Christian to receive some spiritual visitations before physical life is finally gone. Remember that the essence of all life is spirit, and even in this physical earth and in a rational culture spirits can appear and help with the passage, as death approaches. Several of your students have written and/or spoken about such happenings. As Jesus I received help from time to time, from spirits, other than from Me, the Holy Spirit or from Me, the Father God. Some of such “visitations” can be in human form, even through someone you know. The more you are aware the more likely you will be to recognize and appreciate this helpers and the help they offer.

You continue to be intrigued by the notion that I, as Jesus, had been in the earth before, in different roles. I won’t affirm or deny this, but I’ll just admit that it is a possibility. I’ll also say that it is no more unlikely that the way I lived in the earth was aided by some previous practice than that I just “sprang forth” perfect.

SAT., JULY 29, 1995, 10:10 PM

The presentation this morning went well, even as your playing was not your best. The response was good enough, and Paula was pleased, as usual. So, as you at least start this in this time of evening, I shall continue with this look at Our perspectives.

Again I’ll say that, as you would expect, I favor the Christian perspective, but as I see it there is quite an expansion from the basic position you present. It is true, however, that this expanded Christian perspective is not strongly in favor of . . .

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