Another “Loss” Of Time

WED., JAN. 17, 2001, 2:03 PM

Your feet are healing, about as well as can be expected for one your age, but, strangely, while time speeds by in relation to these Teachings it seems quite slow in relation to healing – and a return to full activity. Hence, it has been another week since you last came to hear Me… and you haven’t been aware of such a gap. Now of course I am aware that you haven’t come with the regularity of our long-time relationship. I also know that life has a different rhythm for you now, and time is not “as it has been.”

You do see that you are more than half-way through January, and you have made no more progress on Our Ruminations since its beginning, last month. I’m not going to hassle you for this, but neither can I let it slide, as if it were truly unimportant. Later today make the selections of the portions of Teachings that you’ll include and try to have these reproduced so you can proceed “as usual.”

You still have pain, and you shall have for some months. If you have the skin grafts that shall be a time of further disability, and you don’t look forward to this “medical thing”… and even more restriction.

Naturally, you wish that this hadn’t happened, but of course it did. And, as I have reminded you, you could have died on that early morning “hike,” but here you are… in some pain… but alive and continuing your relationship with Me, Holy Spirit. Continue to be thankful for what you have, rather than “the life without pain and disability that you should have had.” You have had so many blessings in this life as Bob Russell. Accept this truth, and be thankful for what you now have.

But, yes, it is time to clean this desk and “bring yourself up to date” on life as it does move along (whether or not you realize this “movement”). Get your bills paid, and, slowly, if necessary, move back into the reality of this earth life. Your marriage and family relationship is built on each of you having an active role. You have “laid yours aside” for coming up 2 months. It’s time to get back in the game and do your tasks responsibly.

You were surprised to see that you dated the two Teachings I’ve offered you in this year as 2000. It is somewhat expected that with these injuries coming close to the end of the year 2000 you haven’t focused much on the change in years. I’ll say again that this is of minor concern to Me (and it does represent your “being away” from the realities of daily life) but you might as well be accurately aware of where you really are in the cycle of time, here in the earth.

I’ll also remind you that you should check with Win about Bible Study… tomorrow morning? You want to go if the weather is “reasonable,” and this will be a symbol of “return,” if this is possible for you tomorrow. Your life had a nice, developing rhythm to it before “the injuries,” but it will have to be “re-adapted” after this time apart from the Group. ( 2:52 / 2:58 )

Just as you should feel sorry that you can’t be the supplier of firewood for your in-house comfort this season (and appreciate that Bobaire and Mark have supplied this need for you) you can… and should… feel glad that is time of disability is not in the Spring or Summer when other tasks are yours to complete. You see the tree outside your window, still replete with little seed balls, and these say “Winter”… along with the temperatures, of course. Just accept that if this injury “had to happen,” this Winter is as good a season “as any.”

But as to Time (a theme of this Teaching) you have to accept (and you’re doing pretty well with this) that, in terms of time and accomplishments, you shall never quite recover from this “winter event.” It shall be acceptable for you to resent this loss and feel sorry for it, but I shall also urge you to accept, as soon as you can, that life shall go on, in some different way. Look for the positives, as much as possible. Be appreciative of what you still have and of how this “new rhythm” can also be a fine one, for a servant your age.

Continue to voice and in other ways show your appreciation for Debbie and John Patrick as they help you through this time of disability and healing… and for Mark and B.J. as they have made their contributions to your full recovery.

WED., JAN. 17, 2001, 2:03 PM

Your feet are healing, about as well as can be expected for one your age, but, strangely, while time speeds by in relation to these Teachings it seems quite slow in relation to healing – and a return to full activity. Hence, it has been another week since you last came to hear Me… and you haven’t been aware of such a gap. Now of course I am aware that you haven’t come with the regularity of our long-time relationship. I also know that life has a different rhythm . . .

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