Another Medical “Excursion”

FRI., AUG. 25, 2000, 9:30 PM

One day this week, was it yesterday?, you took another “excursion” in to the medical scene. It involved tests and then a strange apparatus that was to be worn to record the functioning of your heart during nearly 24 consecutive hours. This was a bothersome period of time, and you feel that you “gave in” to become a “patient” too easily. You do believe that you will live just as long as I want you to… and that there should be little to no portion of that as a medical patient.

You are rather well adjusted to having cancer, and you are dealing with that “intrusion” with non-medical herbal substances and don’t feel that you’ll succumb to more savage ways of killing these cells of yours. If this “gives” you a couple of more years of active life, this seems to be the best way for you – not hanging on to life when you now have lived it out quite well.

Now the other main “life shortener” in your culture bobs up – some malfunction of the heart. You identify some of your gentle pains as those characteristic of heart disease. This vital organ of yours is beginning to “sputter” (as your aging auto often does) and this produces some pain, which makes comfortable sleep difficult. You’ve just ingested two pills that you hope will counter these night pains and give you the rest you need. Yet you also realize that part of the night in your old familiar rocking chair may be necessary… a position in which the pain is least.

It is of interest to you how medicine is practiced in this “modern age.” The doctor you have chosen for this “excursion” is a good man, whose view of his “art” is more compatible with your view of life than many other physicians. You had practiced a short “speech” to let him know “where you are now”, in relation to life, health, and death. Did he dominate so that you didn’t have a chance to “give it”?… or did you just fall too easily and quickly into the patient role? When the results of this 24 hour “excursion,” with wires and a recorder, are available you shall have another opportunity to be “who you want to be,” rather than just a quiet, compliant “patient.”

You were treated well, though the wait at the hospital seemed excessive (though it probably wasn’t as hospitals function). It just seemed as though you were not being true to yourself. But… when the results are in and reported then you shall have a chance to accept what is recommended…or reject such, for your own good reasons.

You want this last potion of this earth life to be pleasant, exciting and also serene… and you realize that persistent pain can work against such a worthwhile desire. You haven’t had to deal much with pain in this life… and there are various forms of relief… so see this as just an interesting life experience.

You have let your lawn get a bit shaggy, and it felt good… even pain free… to mow and rake this late afternoon. You didn’t feel any stress in the mowing experience, and, though it wasn’t extensive it was a “test”, of sorts.

I agree with you that your major continuing “task” is to keep this Farm-place beautiful and well-kept. The mowing is considerable, but the cut grass is so useful that it almost isn’t a “chore.” When it becomes so, then you’ll have to “decide what to decide.”

As I have told you before some, in the medical system are servants of Mine and do save and prolong lives that also are of service to Me. Yet, from My viewpoint, the system has lost its humble quality and sees this prolonging of lives as an almost absolute good. I want you to continue to see that illnesses and weaknesses are a part of earth life, and that the balance between life and death, in your culture and on the earth is dangerously skewed toward life. You understand this (and you taught it well), and you realize it could apply to you, personally. Would you accept radical, expensive treatments to prolong your life? You know you may have to consider such in the future.

FRI., AUG. 25, 2000, 9:30 PM

One day this week, was it yesterday?, you took another “excursion” in to the medical scene. It involved tests and then a strange apparatus that was to be worn to record the functioning of your heart during nearly 24 consecutive hours. This was a bothersome period of time, and you feel that you “gave in” to become a “patient” too easily. You do believe that you will live just as long as I want you to… and that there should be little to no portion of that as a medical patient . . .

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