Another Mystery

MON., OCT. 17, 1994, 6:45 AM

As it was stated in the video you used yesterday in your Forum, all Christians have, as part of their doctrine, the Mystery of the Trinity. In the way of thinking that you have been taught in your culture, three and one are fundamentally different quantities. If an entity is one it cannot be three, and three is different from and greater than one.

So it can best be called a mystery that the One True God is really Three, but this Three is also One. I am One God, the Only God of all that is created, has been created, and will be created. And yet I came into this earth, a small but important part of My creation, as the baby Jesus, who grew into the man Jesus. This, too, was a mystery, for while My Power and Majesty as Almighty God was not diminished in the least I, as Jesus, was fully God AND fully human. By your secular thinking that can’t be, but it IS.

Then, in addition to being God and Jesus I also am the Holy Spirit, which diminishes neither God nor Jesus. I was a factor in the conception of Jesus, and also in his adult baptism. At the same time I was in the earth from its beginning, as Jesus was also. We are Three, but each of Us is also a complete One. I can speak to you as God, as Jesus, or as the Holy Spirit, which is the best way for you to be related to Me… and to Us.

So this Three is the traditional mystery number, but as God I also have three competing and complementary natures. I am Creator and Sustainer of all that is, which is a non-personal nature. I am Judge of human conduct and a punisher of those who don’t follow My standards. I have set commandments, and I have given decrees in various ways, but particularly as Jesus. I can be harsh in such judgments, for I want humans to be the best of My Creation. But I also am a loving and forgiving God, loving each of you unconditionally, and not only forgiving your sins but not remembering them, either.

So here is the “mystery of the morning” – as the Triune God I want you to live a sinless and productive life, and I shall punish you for transgressions AND I love you unconditionally and shall forgive and not remember your sins and transgressions. You could call this the ultimate “tough love”, and yet this human concept sees the one who constantly forgives as the “enabler,” the one who tacitly encourages continuing misconduct.

It is a mystery how I can have both natures completely and simultaneously. This was your hardest task as a father of sons. You could be punishing one for misconduct, but it was hard for that one to see this as an act of love. You found it easier to forgive, but this often seemed like weakness on your part. Were you a better “lover” because you weren’t a good “punisher.” And you can imagine that My “task” is even more difficult, because many of the humans I love do not even acknowledge Me in any way that I desire.

MON., OCT. 17, 1994, 6:45 AM

As it was stated in the video you used yesterday in your Forum, all Christians have, as part of their doctrine, the Mystery of the Trinity. In the way of thinking that you have been taught in your culture, three and one are fundamentally different quantities. If an entity is one it cannot be three, and three is different from and greater than one.

So it can best be called a mystery that the One True God is really Three, but this Three is also One. I am One God, the . . .

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