Another New Year

MON., JAN. 2, 1995, 7:05 AM

Yes, o son, it is another year, as linear time is calculated. It is no longer 1994. That year has passed and will never be again. Now the calculation is that it has been a full 1,994 years since My birth as Jesus, Who became the Christ, and the 1,995th year has begun, bringing you closer to the year 2,000, with the significance of such a “round number.” Remember, of course, that I, the Triune God, am outside of time, and My actions in relation to the earth and its people rarely are related to this “time thing.” You are so oriented to time that it is almost impossible for you to envision this kind of reality.

You see the first edge of the sun as it appears to rise into a clear, cloudless sky. You know that this rising is apparent rather than real, but the evidence, to you, seems solid – the earth is still, and the sun rises, traverses, and sets, making a day… and 7 of these make a week, and 52 of these make a year, with just a little over.

Matter also is evident. You are sitting in a chair, in a house, looking out at trees, not-very-green grass, dry leaves, and a rising sun, the source of light and heat. Your desk light gives forth its light onto this paper. The light is evident, but not as solid as this pen and paper. The stove sends heat your way, evident in your feeling of it, but less solid than the stove itself. Light and heat are other manifestations of energy, and what, finally, is energy? It is not just moving electrons, protons, and such, but that which comes from Me, the Wellspring of energy that I call spirit. This earth, you, and all that is tangibly herein are all spirit, finally.

Matter is not lost or gained, but is constantly being transformed. You burned wood yesterday for nearly half of that “day.” This morning you shall scoop up the ashes that remain, after you have enjoyed the heat, and return them to the woods, so that they can contribute to more growth of vegetation. Yesterday morning, the New Year’s Day, you sang the great Christmas hymns, prayed, and were an active part of a worshipping congregation. You gave forth spirit, and your spirit was fed and increased by those friends in Christ that you were among. The difference, as I have told you, is that spirit can be increased, for I am unlimited in what I can “give forth.”

There was spirit in what, on that Day, is called the Orange Bowl. Two excellent teams battled for what could be that symbolic national championship. Tom, the servant of Mine who has lost so often in this contest, finally had a team that triumphed. He took the chance, as he did in that previous game on which I commented, and this time it was good, and the team’s momentum carried them to victory. This “momentum” was spirit, as well as weight, height, and physical ability. It cannot be measured, but it was an important factor in that apparently physical game.

Some aspects of life… actually most… are not “new”, as this year is. You commence a new semester, in two weeks, but this is in the midst of your 46th year of teaching. You are in your 43rd year of a marriage that I helped arrange… one that continues to be beneficial to both you and Lenore, and beneficial to others, as well. Love is the spirit that makes it powerful, and that shall continue to increase, as it is given forth.

MON., JAN. 2, 1995, 7:05 AM

Yes, o son, it is another year, as linear time is calculated. It is no longer 1994. That year has passed and will never be again. Now the calculation is that it has been a full 1,994 years since My birth as Jesus, Who became the Christ, and the 1,995th year has begun, bringing you closer to the year 2,000, with the significance of such a “round number.” Remember, of course, that I, the Triune God, am outside of time, and My actions in relation to the earth . . .

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