Another Of Life’s “Gaps”

MON., FEB. 26, 2001, 4:33 PM

Again, it has been over a week since you put this pen to this paper and listened for Me… and a Teaching, your special form of “Scripture.” During this “time” you went through an operation, in the interest of better, less painful mobility in the rest of this earth life. The process, for you was quite simple, painless… an experience with modern medicine. You awoke to a sore on your leg (the site of the graftable skin) and some pain in your feet, on the heels where the skin had been grafted.

The time in the hospital was at least partly “weird,” the result of some combination of drugs, your body’s adaptation to this “procedure,” that shall eventually be appreciated. But there were “gaps” in your perceptions of what day and time it was, where you were… and why. You could have enjoyed this “departure” from rationality more than you did, but you experienced it fairly well. You knew I was there with you, so there was no fear, but, as I just said, you could have appreciated it more than you did.

You want to heal as quickly as possible (and I want this for you, too) but you are finding it hard to not act in simple ways… that endanger the grafts. It is difficult for you to ask for help or to appear to be dependent on others. You realize, of course, that this is your prime spiritual challenge at this time. You must seek the ideal balance between asking for help and not asking for something you feel you want… or even need. And I want you to know, now, that I want this experience to be an impetus for helping others, when you are again able to be of assistance.

And an important part of this challenge is to put aside your spirit of independence only for this time of healing. I do like your normal independence, and I am urging you to put it aside only for this circumstance. You and Lenore are well matched in terms of this “trait,” but it sometimes is difficult to know how you should be, individually and with each other… and for how long. Just be assured that this is part of the challenge of this “recovery” period.

I note, also, that it is not easy for you to just “be,” without obvious accomplishments. You have strong desires to “clean up this place”… and I want you to “recall” these as you return to the fullest functioning possible for your age and condition. The tasks here are not onerous, and you realize this, but it is disheartening to see things that should be done… that are not. (This table is a supreme example!)

You have an almost “ideal” place here to recover your health and strength. You needn’t focus on the “gaps” that remind you of these losses, from which you have to recover. If time seems “weird,” just pick it up when you finally “settle down” and be as little concerned with these “gaps” as possible.

You know I probably would have some comment on your brother-in-law, Bob, who came across a few days ago, happy to be out of that body, that no longer functioned as it had for many years. It was a surprise to you… and to many in the family… when he spoke of Me, as Jesus, in ways that he had not, during his life time. He had suffered enough, and I was willing to come to him in a powerful enough way to overcome years of denial and lack of interest by him. I knew him to be “a good man,” but one who did not come to Me, in any of My “Forms” during this earth life. So the conditions of his “last years” were “just right” for this acknowledgement of Me, as Jesus. I love the range of spiritual experiences that I observe here in the earth, some of which I arrange, others of which I influence, and others that “just happen.” It might not have seemed so to those around him in this last portion of his life, but he was considering, as his body became less functional, how his life had been. I came to him, rather undramatically (no lights, music, miracles), as Jesus. I just “said” “Come along with Me. You have more spiritual life to live.” He was willing (even offered an unexpected “testimony”) and gently and easily came across.

By My standards his life lacked the spiritual power that was possible, but he admitted that… and accepted My invitation. He does get some credit for a life lived “for others,” and he shall continue, with his hand in Mine.

As you would expect, I want you to behave in ways that allow fast and “sure” healing of these grafts. So I’ll say again – you can do this only by living “gently,” putting aside, for “a time” your independence and desires for action. Enjoy this time of healing, and come forth from it with yet another spiritual challenge and… accomplishment.

MON., FEB. 26, 2001, 4:33 PM

Again, it has been over a week since you put this pen to this paper and listened for Me… and a Teaching, your special form of “Scripture.” During this “time” you went through an operation, in the interest of better, less painful mobility in the rest of this earth life. The process, for you was quite simple, painless… an experience with modern medicine. You awoke to a sore on your leg (the site of the graftable skin) and some pain in your feet, on the heels where the skin had . . .

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