Another Pain

SAT., JUNE 19, 1993, 6:30 AM

Your body, now into its 68th year, has developed another bothersome pain. Since I, the Holy Spirit, seem to be your best help in these times of discomfort I shall come to you uninvited, on this theme.

This pain, in your right shoulder, is similar to and yet unlike the one in your left, some time ago. That one resulted from a specific, remembered injury, while this one “just started” and has persisted. Where I am involved closely in a life, such as I am in yours, a pain, such as this one, has two meanings. It tells you that, for some reason, your physical body… at least the right shoulder joint… is not functioning as it should. You have a sharp, almost disabling pain in a few, special positions, and then this dull ache in most of your sleeping positions lying down. On the other hand, you split some firewood yesterday without troublesome pain.

The second meaning is the signaling of a need in your spiritual life. You realize that you have slacked off from the appreciative and friendly behaviors I encouraged as a help to the pain in your leg. This pain surely should stimulate a resurgence of this desirable attitude. Recall your lack of appreciation for the man on crutches yesterday. Consider how you could have felt and what you could have said to him. Continue to know that I am the Supreme Adapter, which means that I can use natural phenomena, such as this pain, to focus your attention on important spiritual matters… those much more important than physical pains.

I appreciate the time you’re putting into the organization of your next course, as well as the reason for this. I also appreciate the time and effort that goes into feeding your animals and keeping this place beautiful. Counter to this I want you to give more thought and attention to Our next Ruminations, which should be completed in this week ahead, as well as to various notes and letters that you should have composed and sent as these expressions of interest and appreciation come in. It is spiritually significant that pains point to deficiencies in this everlasting life of yours as well as to actual physical problems.

Remember that there is no good medical reason why you have regained rather complete use of your legs, given the crippling conditions that prevailed at different times. Comparably, in this case the prescription that you show more concern for others and give more attention to letters and to Our Letter is a silly one for the relief of a shoulder pain. It’ll cost you time, but not money. You’d be foolish not to comply.

Remember years ago now when I chided you for lack of appreciation of pain that kept you awake most of the night. I suggested that this was a rare sort of gift, being awake when you normally would be sleeping. Some people, when their bodies die and they come on over, are so tired of life that they just sleep and sleep. Oh, I can appreciate that the conditions of life are difficult for some, but mostly it’s a narrowing of appreciation for the blessings of life.

SAT., JUNE 19, 1993, 6:30 AM

Your body, now into its 68th year, has developed another bothersome pain. Since I, the Holy Spirit, seem to be your best help in these times of discomfort I shall come to you uninvited, on this theme.

This pain, in your right shoulder, is similar to and yet unlike the one in your left, some time ago. That one resulted from a specific, remembered injury, while this one “just started” and has persisted. Where I am involved closely in a life, such as I am in yours, a pain, such as . . .

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