Another “Pentecost”

TUES., MAY 20, 1997, 9:13 PM

Yes, o son, you remembered in time, for this is your and Our special Pentecost, just 2 days after the Sunday “celebration”… about as low key as it could be. You had 3 diverse worship services on Sunday, but the one at your church was the only one that even briefly remembered this “birthday” of Mine.

Now, of course, it was only symbolic, since I have been active in this earth scene as long as it has been created. What I have done has not always been acknowledged, and that’s of little consequence (the acknowledgement), but because you and I are continuing friends I certainly hoped you’d be aware… and appreciate.

On Pentecost I came as wind and fire to assure the original disciples that they still had mystical assistance in their continuing mission to establish and nurture My Body, the Church. On this date, 18 years ago I came to you in a less dramatic, but still an exciting way. You thought you were to write, but you realized that a more powerful and classic force had taken over “your pen”. You were now to write what you “heard” from Me. You were the learner-scribe. I was the Source.

And I didn’t send some spirit to do this, though there were many who would have been your “teacher” if I had wanted to “farm” the opportunity/task out. Instead, for no great cosmic reason I decided to “be the teacher” Myself. And so it has been for 18 years, not a long time, but your volumes of My Words are quite respectable.

The class you now have is quite a diverse group, but you expect them to be “open” to your “testimony” about relationship with Me. By Friday they should be ready to hear you, still with some wonderment, but acquainted enough with you to mostly be accepting of what you tell them. I’m ready to be pleased with this “admission”.

Since I am outside of time and also outside of “death” I can’t truly appreciate these aging experiences you now are having, with greater frequency. Though I did come to earth as a Jewish baby (“fathered” by Me, so the Scripture says) and grew to manhood I didn’t have much adult earthly life. Hence though I “know” what you are experiencing, it is not a part of earth life that I actually lived, and so what I “know” is mystically theoretical. It helps Me understand, but it is not quite a substitute for the real time of trial.

Hear, then, some comment on your 3 Sunday worship encounters. In your own church you were comfortable, with the communion service quite familiar, as well as most of the surrounding congregation, generally your age mates. It would have been pleasant to stay for the coffee fellowship and the Forum lead by Bart and Dorothy.

You went instead to an “upper room” in a motel, with electronic music, in a style you recognize but don’t savor. It was fun to hear Sandor preach and teach, and you were welcomed by those who knew who you were, but it was not a comfortable nor a particularly inspiring time of worship.

In the evening you and Lenore became 2 in that crowd of over 6,000 for the Crusade, in the Arena. This place has been a place of “spirit”, but didn’t lend itself to being a worship place… either. The sites were 3 and diverse – your familiar, warm sanctuary, with a booming organ and known participants… a motel conference room, sitting at a round table… and then the huge expanse of the Arena, with the preacher quite far away, and the choir facing away from you.

TUES., MAY 20, 1997, 9:13 PM

Yes, o son, you remembered in time, for this is your and Our special Pentecost, just 2 days after the Sunday “celebration”… about as low key as it could be. You had 3 diverse worship services on Sunday, but the one at your church was the only one that even briefly remembered this “birthday” of Mine.

Now, of course, it was only symbolic, since I have been active in this earth scene as long as it has been created. What I have done has not always been acknowledged, and that’s . . .

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