Another “Ramble” With John

WED., FEB. 24, 1999, 8:51 AM

Your mid-week group is off onto a study of John’s gospel in this time of Lent. It, of course, is one of the two “stimuli” for your first born again experience… along with Paul’s Letter to the Romans. It is the Gospel that was, then, the “seedbed” for your second born again time, with its affirmations about the Holy Spirit (Me) working when, where, and how (and with whom) I choose. When you truly accepted that affirmation you were then ready to have these Teaching/learning experiences as a regular part of your life.

The question you posed this morning was a good one, even as you are aware of the answer. I, the Triune God created this earth scene, and, importantly, I created the “creation process”. Hence creation continues without the necessity of My being actively involved in every instance, even of human lives. Yet I can be an active part of any creation, and it never can be known, for certain, whether and to what extent I was/am involved… and when.

You will know about yourself when you finally come back on over… were you chosen for your career and for this task before you were born, or sometime later? You know, clearly, that you were chosen… elected… in 1979, when these Teachings commenced, but how much earlier in your life was this “planned”? You have reached enough enlightenment to have more of an accurate “picture” of Our relationship, and I’ll offer you a few more “glimpses” as Our life together continues. The transition to your next realm will not be as “unexpected” as it is for most humans, even Christians.

Another critical point made in this early portion of the Gospel is that since I was actively involved in the creation process… as a supremely competent Creator… I am responsible for how humans are, and I am pleased with the diversity of this population. I did not (and do not) want all humans to be the same.

I do favor peace and good will over strife and hatreds. Yet I am finally responsible for the various forms of strife that are often graphically reported. For, as I tell you often, I am quite a competent Creator and have not lost My powers to human dominance. I cause, and I allow… and, very often, “out of the mud grows the lotus”… meaning that “good” can come out of “evil”. You just can never know what I have prevented or not allowed to happen.

Often I have heard, over these many “years” – “would a good God cause (or allow) such to happen?” I see that as a “put-down” of Me… a way of affirming that there are evil forces that are more powerful than I am. Not so. All powers are “of Me”, directly or indirectly. Nothing “counters” Me, without My “permission”.

You noted that early on in John’s account of Me and My life as Jesus I do declare that I Am the Son of God and the Messiah. I knew that most of the Jewish leaders would see this as blasphemous and would oppose Me. I spoke and acted out against the money changers in the Temple, symbolically coming down against unexamined, ritual practices and against commercialization of religion. Would I turn over the table at which Kroger and Schnuck’s chits are sold in your church’s northex? Probably…as a reminder that it is easy to let My spiritual messages be affected by the secular culture.

Remember that I, personally as Jesus, did not “start” the Church… or the religion that is its foundation. My Body was the basis for the Church, and that’s about as mystical as you can get! And then, remember, that I chose a good, well-educated Jew, Saul, who became Paul and did found and nurture Churches… a form for this Mystical Body of Mine.

WED., FEB. 24, 1999, 8:51 AM

Your mid-week group is off onto a study of John’s gospel in this time of Lent. It, of course, is one of the two “stimuli” for your first born again experience… along with Paul’s Letter to the Romans. It is the Gospel that was, then, the “seedbed” for your second born again time, with its affirmations about the Holy Spirit (Me) working when, where, and how (and with whom) I choose. When you truly accepted that affirmation you were then ready to have these Teaching/learning experiences as . . .

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