Another Return

TUES., JUNE 7, 1994, 3:18 PM CDT

On a huge, wide-bodied plane you wing westward, for another return to that island where much of the good in your life began. You went west from your home and university cities, in a surprising decision… but what a good one! You commenced a teaching career that is still going, 46 years later. You met and married the woman who was meant for you in this life, and you are still happily together, 42 years later. The value of these events, in themselves, make it worthwhile for you to return.

It shall be interesting to be with this class, who were young 7th graders when you first encountered them. Their 8th grade year endeared them to you, and now you shall meet some of them again, in older models. It is good to be remembered by a few. Be not concerned that your welcome by some is meager.

Hawaii and Punahou were “beginning places.” There was no great spiritual breakthroughs there, just a basic, beginning faith and relationship with Me. Church was part of your life, as well as weekly chapel and daily devotions. It did not point to where you are now, just as your first teaching did not signal the fine place you are now. ( 3:34 / 5:07 )

It was a beginning and a good one. You discovered the joys of teaching, as well as of coaching. When it became clear that coaching was not to be your life work you adapted well and continued developing toward what I wanted you to be when I chose you for your present “position” and task.

Your third son John Patrick was born on this island, close to where you lived and taught. He struggles to find another niche that will be satisfying and that will provide for his large family of girls. But he is the one, from this island beginning, who responds most favorably and lovingly toward these Teachings and Our Ruminations. He types long into the night to produce another volume of Teachings that the computer can easily reproduce. And you must always recall and treasure his affirmation to you, in response to your anger with some behavior… “don’t forget that you chose me and I chose you.” For so it was… and will be. Express your appreciation of him to him… when you return, and often.

This is also another return to visit your parents. It is ironic that originally you left them for this island place, and now you can return both to it and to them. They are near the end of their lives. There are frustrations with body imperfections. There is some apprehension about how the continuation of their lives shall proceed, when their bodies die. You are more advanced than they, but even you have some such apprehensions. (5:25 / 7:20 ) Be willing to offer help through Teachings. The emphasis should be living life as fully as possible but looking forward to the transition, whenever it comes. You’ll have to play this from your heart and spirit.

Be appreciative of your sister and her life, with its joys and satisfactions but also its pain. You have experienced some pain, with these back, leg, and foot troubles, but nothing like she has had for life as an adult. Express appreciation for how she has lived so fully while suffering. Talk to her and see what she has to say about this at this point in her life.

There are places that you can and will visit that will bring back some memories. It is good to reminisce and let the recollections come upon you. Enjoy them, sharing some of them with Nessa. Tourists will rate this place much more beautiful than your home area, but you shall know this to be a faulty judgment, even as you enjoy being here and reexperiencing the places.

Each time you return you are a somewhat different person. On one hand you are older and slightly crippled, but on the other your spirit is growing and maturing with each Teaching and each manifestation of spirit in your living and your teaching. You shall have opportunities to speak of this with various people. Recognize these, and even create some of your own.

TUES., JUNE 7, 1994, 3:18 PM CDT

On a huge, wide-bodied plane you wing westward, for another return to that island where much of the good in your life began. You went west from your home and university cities, in a surprising decision… but what a good one! You commenced a teaching career that is still going, 46 years later. You met and married the woman who was meant for you in this life, and you are still happily together, 42 years later. The value of these events, in themselves, make it worthwhile . . .

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