“Another Return”

WED., JUNE 7, 2000, 8:31 AM

Yes, o son, you “returned” this morning to this small group of “Bible studiers”, and you plowed through Deuteronomy (while you thought Numbers was still the focus). It was good to be back with this group for this purpose… and you must check with John Patrick to see if he can join you, at least some of the time.

As you reflect upon your recent trip you feel generally good about “how it was”, but with little to no desire to be there longer and no feeling about any return trip. This doesn’t mean you’ll never go back, but you do feel “been there, done that”. And this is quite appropriate for your age and prospects for a longer earth life.

You’ve heeded My call for a start on Our next Ruminations, following upon My suggestion for a theme. This afternoon you should select the relevant Teachings from your “list” and ready them for copying… and then… I’m ready if you are! And don’t concern yourself about those “returns” from Our March Letter. If folks don’t send you a forwarding address, accept that these are not important to them. You needn’t be concerned about numbers. Your task is “to write it”.

In this portion of Scripture you are encountering Me as Yahweh, the God of the Jews… pre-Christ. I certainly was “hands-on” with these chosen people, with many rules and conditions of behaving. I got angry. I repented. I changed My mind. I killed, directly, and I condoned, even ordered other killings for “misconduct”. So, you can well wonder… even ask… do I still have some of these feelings and reactions and can I still cause deaths?

I have repeatedly told you of My concern for this planet Earth as a unique site for spiritual development. The population… and its demands… is/are now close to the unhealthy point, for the ecosystem. These Scriptures boldly tell that I can zap people for actions against My Will and Way. So be not troubled by deaths and any other conditions that lessen the population – or at least the proportional increase.

As for yourself… hear again that you shall live as long as I want you to, so be not concerned about means to prolong this life. (And I do approve of the supplements you take each day. These can “work” with Me, rather than against.) But it is about time for you to truly see each day as a blessing and a gift. You have a good, easy life. Enjoy the beauty. Ignore, as much as possible, the possible troubles.

You see that your Deuteronomy is not marked, so, yes, read, study, and highlight from the beginning, looking for a few truths that still apply to you and your life, here and now. Much of it may not apply to you, but search for “the relevant”.

So… you have returned to this home portion of the “mainland”… to your special, blessed Farm… to your church and to this unique, continuing study group… to this small office and hence to this campus. You are thankful, I know, for these “places” and how they contribute to your good life now. Continue to keep this office and Your Farm (and your study) reasonably neat. “Junk” does accumulate, so “neatness” is a never-ending process. I notice.

Your letter to your sister and Howard was a good one. You realize you still could be misunderstood, but your concern was to be both careful and honest… and this is a tricky combination. Do what you can to maintain a good relationship, but you can only do so much. Accept “how it turns out”.

WED., JUNE 7, 2000, 8:31 AM

Yes, o son, you “returned” this morning to this small group of “Bible studiers”, and you plowed through Deuteronomy (while you thought Numbers was still the focus). It was good to be back with this group for this purpose… and you must check with John Patrick to see if he can join you, at least some of the time.

As you reflect upon your recent trip you feel generally good about “how it was”, but with little to no desire to be there longer and no feeling about any return trip . . .

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