Another Return…

THURS., MAR. 29, 2001, 8:46 AM

You returned, this morning, to the Bible study group, of which you have been a part for many years. The Scripture, for study and discussion was a section out of the Acts (of the Apostles). You are reasonably acquainted with this (your Bible has “marks” that indicate “importance” to you, at some time), and you reread it this week, with selections of some passages of further “importance.” This get-together is one of the highlights of each week, for you, and you hope it continues. Of course you can read portions of Scripture on your own, but there is a special quality to the discussion that takes place, with this small group.

An important “Principle” of these actions of Paul’s was the willingness to give up his life for his Savior. His work, both spoken and written, were important to Christian theology. He was not an “official disciple,” but, knowing about the last days of Jesus life (while he was still one seeking to deny the claims about Jesus, as the Son of God) he was impressed with the willing sacrifice of His life by this man that he persecuted. Then I, as the Risen Christ, came to him, and “invited” him to follow Me, the Messiah. He accepted My invitation with even more zeal than he had displayed in seeking to discredit Me. Naturally, I was pleased with this “changeover,” even as I knew it would come about.

Hence, Paul was willing… as a show of spiritual “power” to endure all of the consequences (at that time and place in history) of being a follower of Me, as the Messiah… as My Son. And in Letters, after his “conversion” he provided a good deal of the New Testament. And, of course, from My perspective, as Almighty God, it was fun to select as “staunch” a man as Paul, a model Pharisee, to be “converted” and “play out” his predetermined role, so that Christianity might thrive. I saw that the Gospels, important as they were, were not “enough” to spawn a religion. Paul’s Letter became the critical balance.

In a different time and place you have accomplished a return to this small office and, perhaps, to some active participation in your “once-field.” Oh, it is fitting that you devote the first portion of this morning, here, to this Teaching. You have had many good Teachings in this office (and in the larger one you had for many years), so it is quite “proper” to continue the spirit of your morning group into this setting. You feel that you are fortunate to still have this as your small office, even as you no longer contribute directly to the mission of this Department. You know it is not likely to last much longer, so you should give at least a bit of thought to what you shall do when you must “vacate,” for some current, active faculty members. You are just about ready to do this, and you have a couple of “alternatives,” each with some merit.

Actually, I see plenty of “good” in your leaving this “place,” with much appreciation, certainly, and devising some other “ways” to have Teachings, in places other than your Farm home. You know, from experience that in the late Spring, Summer, and early Fall there are outside places that are suitable – Turley Park, around Campus Lake, and… And there are several places here on campus… high in the Library, the Department’s conference room… And, of course, there are places in your Church building… And, importantly, there is NO place where I am NOT, for you, so continue to be “creative”… and I’ll be with you.

THURS., MAR. 29, 2001, 8:46 AM

You returned, this morning, to the Bible study group, of which you have been a part for many years. The Scripture, for study and discussion was a section out of the Acts (of the Apostles). You are reasonably acquainted with this (your Bible has “marks” that indicate “importance” to you, at some time), and you reread it this week, with selections of some passages of further “importance.” This get-together is one of the highlights of each week, for you, and you hope it continues. Of course you can read portions . . .

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