Another Ruminations

FRI., JUNE 17, 1988, 6:18 AM

It now is time to set yourself to the pleasant and rewarding task of composing yet another letter of analysis and comment on a matter of some interest to Me, the Holy Spirit. You shall be pressed for time again, but at least part of the letter can be about next week’s conference, described, as I suggested, as a story. I do want you to follow through with this suggestion. It was not just a bit of idle chatter. Take notes that shall assist you in chronicling the event as a story.

The whole world has a story, even as it is too complex for you or for anyone to know and tell. The Holy Scriptures commence this story in two important ways. One is the step-by-step creation of this complex ecosystem, which is poetically described as occurring in days. The other starts with the creation of an individual person, with other life forms following, for human benefit. Each represents an enormous truth that simply cannot be included in one story, for stories have to have a certain limitation that makes for integrity.

One truth is that the human is, purposefully, My highest form of life. In this story I create much for the benefit of this whole person, as a means of making him more whole. He was created first, and therefore is the steward of all that comes after. Here is offered the opportunity, even from the beginning, for the man to be egocentric and feel that all of the earth was created for him to enjoy, without responsibility… or for the man to feel the at-oneness with later creation and feel responsible for the maintenance, even when this is not to his immediate advantage.

The truth in the other story is that My creative powers brought about the evolution of a final creature, who should respect and love the marvelous earth into which he is privileged to become. He should see that he is really not necessary to the functioning of the earth’s life but has been given capacities to manipulate this plane for his benefit. This gives him the opportunity to choose – to do certain things and not others. He can live selflessly in relative harmony with the rest of life. Or… he can selfishly strive to bring the earth into submission to his desires and created wants.

Healing the whole world can come only with love and unselfishness, because the injuries, disabilities, and “sores” are caused by fears and selfishness, personal, cultural, and “as man.” Healing is a continuing process, in the world as it is in any body. Your body is in an almost constant process of healing. Your finger is virtually healed now, even as its appearance is not as it once was. Healing is like this. The healed portion may not be just as it once way. The very act of healing can make it come out differently… not necessarily better than it was originally, but better than before the healing took place.

As your body is active there will be scratches, abrasions, infections, and various encounters that require healing. Some of these can be avoided and prevented, but many are inevitable, just because of the exposure of active life. Healing is part of the story of life, in the world and each individual.

Here is an ironic twist in the story. The current disease of most concern in your culture is AIDS, caused by a virus that disrupts the healing process. Yet in a wider perspective this disease is part of the healing process for the “cancer” of more humans than the earth can tolerate. There shall be others, more traceable to the waste from a profligate lifestyle that your culture encourages.

FRI., JUNE 17, 1988, 6:18 AM

It now is time to set yourself to the pleasant and rewarding task of composing yet another letter of analysis and comment on a matter of some interest to Me, the Holy Spirit. You shall be pressed for time again, but at least part of the letter can be about next week’s conference, described, as I suggested, as a story. I do want you to follow through with this suggestion. It was not just a bit of idle chatter. Take notes that shall assist you in chronicling the event as . . .

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