Another Sabbath

JUNE 8, 1980, 6:04 AM

Hear Me, o son, as I teach you about another Sabbath. You remembered the one just past in a unique way. But there is ever more to learn about this remembrance. Why does it “rate” a commandment?

Yes, the Sabbath is, fundamentally, the remembrance of My resting on the seventh day after Creation. There was both a resting and a contemplation of how all that was done that “week” fit together. Now, of course, you are to remember these creative acts of Mine… as well as what you did during the week. Then you are to contemplate how your actions and My purposes fit together. This can be done any place, but does require a certain amount of quiet and detachment. Yes, it could be done with another… or others… if there is spiritual compatibility. It is a day for remembering and for perspectives. It would be appropriate, on this day, for example, to remember your own wedding… as well as other Jewish ceremonies experienced.

The Church is My Body in the earth. It was established after My life here in the earth as Jesus. The disciples and other believers came together and remembered, and this became My tangible Body still here in this place. The worship on a Sabbath is important; hymn singing, praise, prayers, thanksgiving, offering, Scripture, sermon… these are important parts of the remembrance. Of course these can be done at other times, too, and be appropriate. The important thing is that, on the Sabbath, they are done together as the Church. And this is an important remembrance.

Holy Communion is another important remembrance that can be part of the Sabbath. You have not experienced this in some time, and this is unfortunate. The experience at North Conway will be satisfying and an important remembrance (the repetitions are intentional… don’t worry) for that group. But it shall not be a Sabbath occasion.

So, this is another Sabbath, and I call you again to remember and to keep it holy. Let the spiritual be your unifying dimension, and see the wholeness in all that occurs today. You see, if you made a genuine effort to see wholeness on the Sabbath it will improve your capacities to do so on other days. The Sabbath is the means toward growth through remembrance and holistic contemplation.

So, today you shall not worship with the Church, but you shall experience wedding, and this is another important remembrance. Experience it wholly and tie it, through remembrance, with your own. Then see how marriage and its fruits permeate your life and relate, rather directly, to the development of your spiritual life… or the spiritual dimension to your life.

Even though you shall not gather and worship there shall be much to remember today… and it can be quite an appropriate Sabbath… if you make it so. Remember… keep it holy.

Amen, certainly!
6:58 AM