Another Step…

SUN., AUG. 10, 1997, 8:10 PM

You arrived home safely (as you expected Me to bring you), and thus you have taken another step toward the “new life” that is yours next. You can hear Me even in an “impaired condition”. I can come to you more forcefully and, even “louder”. Just know that if you come to Me, I am present and available. Praise the Lord!

The Reunion (yes, caps are OK…) was a fine experience in human/spiritual interacting, even as there was a shortage of reference and allegiance to Me. Yours is a strong spiritual family. You just have to accept that the diversity in the ways this family comes to Me (or doesn’t) is, yes, considerable. You may have to face this at some point, but it was skirted there in the Colorado Rockies.

Mable is now with you for a few months. She is still a servant of Mine, and she can be a means for some to hear Me. This usually isn’t as clear as in younger years, but you never did fully understand the style of these messages… through her. She still can hear Me, but her mind is not as obedient and helpful as it once was. If I don’t see value in what she is doing, I’ll stop coming. Then she’ll have to be accepting of the termination of this “gift”.

Closer to retirement is what you presently are. You still don’t feel retired, and I approve of this ambivalence. I want you to be “retired” from the busyness, tension, and pressure that was a part of the last few years assignments. You certainly need to develop another, more appropriate, rhythm for your life. I shall help with this, naturally.

Just accept that you have taken another step toward a different life-style. You cannot move into it easily or quickly. It must be, in some ways, an antithesis to what your life has been. Thus, it will have to develop, rather than something “pre-set” into which you can move, with ease.

I heard several versions of plans for restorative actions here on the Farm. I like what I heard, and these are all good “changes”, each taking some time… so I’ll have to wait till the office has been vacated, and you and your “stuff” are mostly out here. Then what you have visualized may actually come about.

If every subsequent afternoon were like this one, I wouldn’t approve… BUT… I did like the “non-activity” and the emphasis on Me and the spirit of this Place. The rhythm that should be dominant will develop, and I shall be glad to lead you into more truth for these next days. The process will be both the same and somewhat different. You’ll catch on quickly.

Some steps, to another rhythm, are quick and easily taken. Yours will be more complex and will require more guidance. Lucky you have Me. I can be as faithful as you are. You see this transition as a rather easy one, but I now am telling you that there will be several important steps before you are actually in a new status. These aren’t all clear yet, so don’t be surprised with a longer time span than you initially expected.

You will have to divide your time, for some days, between here and the comfortable office you must finally vacate. There is much to do here, but that is a responsibility that you can’t ignore. Remember… do unto others… if you were the one moving in, you would be wondering why it takes so long.

Such chores look formidable, but recall that your prime responsibility is Our Ruminations. It won’t be difficult if you get back to it, soon.

SUN., AUG. 10, 1997, 8:10 PM

You arrived home safely (as you expected Me to bring you), and thus you have taken another step toward the “new life” that is yours next. You can hear Me even in an “impaired condition”. I can come to you more forcefully and, even “louder”. Just know that if you come to Me, I am present and available. Praise the Lord!

The Reunion (yes, caps are OK…) was a fine experience in human/spiritual interacting, even as there was a shortage of reference and allegiance to Me. Yours is a strong . . .

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