Another Sunrise

THURS., NOV. 3, 1994, 6:16 AM

Your concerns about making this early morning flight have all been quieted. You made it in plenty of time, and you are using some of this time in the best way possible, hearing Me. The sky is clear, and the east shows that combination of glows that herald another sunrise. This sunrise shall be to a day that plops you back into the teaching role and lets you return to the normality of home. After this stimulating experience it is a change to which you look forward.

Sunrise, of course, is a misnomer. While it is quite apparent that the top rim of the sun shall appear and shall rise and travel toward the west, just as your plane will, yet you know that this is an illusion, because your perspective is from the solid, firm earth. The earth is still, and the sun rises. Or, the sun is still, and the earth is the rapidly spinning planet, circling around this stable, steady body of warmth.

Analogously, you appear to be a solid body, clothed, sitting in a seat, awaiting the walk to the solid structure of an airplane. And then you know that all of this is just a variety of manifestations of energy. The realities seem quite different. Then you can wrestle with the truth that all of the life that you will see today is a manifestation of spirit. Directly and indirectly I created it all, and I am Ultimate Spirit. What I create and sustain is, finally spirit. So, the sun rises on a spirit world, manifested as matter. Is it complicated, or is it very simple?

( 6:37 / 7:17 )

And of course there is yet another analog. For most of you humans a sunrise is the symbol for a new period of functioning, particularly working, hopefully for some good causes. Thus, sunrise and birth into earth life seem comparable, as do sunset and death of the body. But I tell you that bodily death also can be like a sunrise, a return to spirit life that, for you, shall be quite familiar.

Hence, many of the concerns of this and other such health and ill-health related conferences are almost a chasing after wind. Yet I still want you to be a health education professional, ( 7:27 / 7:37) and you should not yet give up this participation in conventions and other professional meetings. You still have trouble with the new mode I recommend, however. This is one of mainly spirit-related conversations and attendance at sessions which relate, in some ways, to spirit. You still get “hooked” on potentially interesting sessions that are of no consequence to Me. Now your remeeting of Juliana was the result of being at a questionable session, and I liked that. She may or may not respond to Our Ruminations, but it shall be worth a try. The conversation with Cathye, however, came about because you were not in a meeting, but just available for the encounter. You weren’t as successful in finding out about her spiritual life as I would have liked, but at least you kept her as an active reader. ( 7;42 / 7:58 ) You know how you should be developing. You just have to be more focused.

I also want you to be the balanced person that you are. This means not being stereotyped as a religious, or even spiritual, fanatic. Cultivate the art of responding to “overtures” that others make in ways that get to spiritual matters. You have the idea. It just takes practice. Enter into social times also, without spending too much on food and drink. Even some somewhat excessive drinking may sometimes be acceptable. When the time is right, enjoy yourself.

THURS., NOV. 3, 1994, 6:16 AM

Your concerns about making this early morning flight have all been quieted. You made it in plenty of time, and you are using some of this time in the best way possible, hearing Me. The sky is clear, and the east shows that combination of glows that herald another sunrise. This sunrise shall be to a day that plops you back into the teaching role and lets you return to the normality of home. After this stimulating experience it is a change to which you look forward.

Sunrise . . .

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