Another Time

FEBRUARY 7, 1980, 4:35 AM

You have heard right, o son… a theme that you don’t immediately understand, so you must begin in faith. Other teachings lately have had rather clear titles. It now seems right to test your faith in this process. What comes forth from this pen when your mind knows not the meaning of Another Time?

In another time (though ponder, momentarily, that it is simultaneous with now) you also wrote as I spoke. This is not the first time you have learned from communications like this. I shall not give you details of that time and of that life. It is good only that you know that there was such. You see, it does take “time” and experience with life here in this earth to develop true perspectives. The earth experience is a beguiling, entrapping one. I even tried it Myself… a strange but very worthwhile experience.

Listen to an analogy that should be familiar to you. You tell others about teaching junior high youngsters. You write about it and you talk with confidence because you “know” about this. But what would it be like if you decided to go back and teach those 8th grade classes day after day? There certainly would be a testing of what you know… certainly some reaffirmation, but also some unlearning and relearning and new learning.

The analogy is not a perfect one for Me, but ponder this: I know all, but I still learned from the actual earth experience. In humbleness I learned. In one sense My Majesty was not threatened, but in another real sense I gave it up. All at the same time. In another time. Sorry that it seems confusing.

For everything there is a season… whatever is now has been before… and still the experience of now is fresh and new. Know only that you have heard, and written as I speak, before, and yet it is a fresh, new learning experience now. You feel good that you had those early days of teaching kids. It gives balance to your functioning as a teacher now. Still you stumble and fall. All of your experience does not guarantee that you get better and better. In each new experience you will have some measure of success and failure. Each new balance will bring learning. In order to learn: this is why there is another time.

Another time has been. Another time is now. Another time will be. Each is new and unique, and still you have an increasingly clear sense of the continuity of experience… of having learned in another time.

You have heard My call and been My servant in another time. You progress, but you also fall back. You learn, and yet you forget. Eternal knowledge or wisdom is powerful but is slippery. You KNOW about grace, and yet you “find yourself” worrying about details of life and conduct. You KNOW that I lead you, but you “find yourself” worrying about whether you should be doing this or that. As long as you still have the concept of another time within your mind you shall have these “troubles”.

What is the concept beyond? You get only a glimpse. All other times are now. And now is all other times. All experiences are equally good because they are all manifestations of relationship with Me and with all creation. Yet there is no sameness, none of the dullness of “Well, here’s another equally good experience.” It’s just that the judging is no longer necessary, the learning is even no longer necessary. Each experience is an “is”. Wow! That’s enough of a glimpse. Putting it into words makes it sound strange. Try it only with a selected few. Certainly Chris.

Another time. You started off in faith, and see where We have gotten! Just know that this experience is reality. I guide your mind and your pen. As you experienced yesterday when you try to select the best one of the lessons, you find it almost impossible. Each has merits. Each seems to lack “perfection”. Yet each is a well-spring of learning. Now. And in another time. Be aware of all that happens today. Appreciate the now… and also another time. Be. And become.

5:41 AM