Another Unique Night Experience

TUES., SEP. 23, 1997, 12:27 AM

Other than last night it has been some time since you have had a condition which prevented sleep. This is not pain, and you’re thankful for this… even though there is something spiritually intriguing about pain. This is, instead, a condition of itching which has prevented sleep by its discomfort. You finally decided that as long as sleep wasn’t likely you would come to Me for a Teaching… A good “choice”, say I. Hear, o son.

This is a strange “malady”, for you usually have little difficulty achieving a satisfactory condition of sleep. You wonder about various causes, without being able to clearly know why this is happening. For the moment why don’t you just assume that I want you here, trusting that I will speak and be faithful to this process.

You are reading, now, several predictions about what shall happen, here in the earth, within this present lifetime of yours. There is some contrast, of course, for there is no easy, solid truth that can be discerned from all of the present and future conditions. Without putting all of this on any timetable I’ll just reiterate that there must be some increase in deaths and some decrease in the symbols of affluence.

You have heard Me offer you such future “necessities”… but without offering you any credence as a prophet. There can be changes from present conditions… even historic conditions. Such changes will not necessarily be bad… just different. Some species are being lost, and this will diminish the diversity that I value, but the spiritual growth possibilities still will be sufficient… even to excessive. It just is truth that times of hardship offer unique possibilities for growth of spirit… and this has little relevance to length of life or of its conditions.

And you again must heed My assertion, which I also want to be yours also, that health is much more a condition of spirit than of body. I realize that to trumpet such a message makes you an oddity in your professional field, which still has a strong base in the medical model, where the condition of the body is the criterion for health. But you are now almost retired and, in age, are now into your 8th decade. Even without My guidance it could be more expected that one of your seniority might have come to feel the importance of spirit, in both functioning and adapting.

So, how fully will you communicate this perception about health this evening as you meet with the Foundations class? You have nothing to lose, really, and you may encourage a few of these younger professional (and pre-) to consider the importance of spirit, giving youthful energy and capacities to the movement… the “wave”.

Thus, because your body is experiencing a condition of at least minor ill-health your spirit is hearing encouragement from Me, thus to upgrade your total health. Sleep is important to physical health but you are adapting well to the discomfort you feel… and you should be more ready to have sleep overcome you when I no longer “speak”.

You wonder about the futures of the two institutions that have been important to you. The university seems healthy enough, but you also sense some dangers to its functioning, as well as it has been since your arrival. The church, too, seems healthy, but the projections for improvement of the facilities… and the costs thereof… seem unrealistic for the present congregation. What is health for your congregation? Is it a grander and more functional set of buildings or is it more contributions to the needs of others, not just your own. Is growth of the congregation a necessary condition of health? You know that this is not a necessary criterion for Me… Who helped in the initial forming of churches.

TUES., SEP. 23, 1997, 12:27 AM

Other than last night it has been some time since you have had a condition which prevented sleep. This is not pain, and you’re thankful for this… even though there is something spiritually intriguing about pain. This is, instead, a condition of itching which has prevented sleep by its discomfort. You finally decided that as long as sleep wasn’t likely you would come to Me for a Teaching… A good “choice”, say I. Hear, o son.

This is a strange “malady”, for you usually have little difficulty achieving a . . .

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