Another View Of Eternal Life

FEB. 22, 1982, 5:39 AM

Your class generated a lively discussion of the continuity of life yesterday morning, o son, and that brings some comment from Me, which is not surprising to you. I shall say, initially, that it was appropriate for you to use that teaching yesterday. As you discerned, the admonition against its use was for that time in October. You had laid a good foundation, and you kept it in the proper Christian context. So let’s go on from there. You have more to learn.

As this title suggests, We are talking about eternal life, with the difference being in when the life began. Every orthodox Christian has to believe in eternal life… the gift that came with grace as a result of My crucifixion and resurrection. Because of this sacrifice all who have lived in the earth since may live eternally… so the teaching goes. You are just being given a somewhat expanded view of that orthodox notion.

The account of My life as Jesus includes the fact that life continues, for there was talk concerning “who do men say that I am?”, and I did have a tryst with Abraham and Elijah, whose earthly lives were certainly long past. So all who lived before Me did not perish and all who came after Me have lived on… it was not that “black and white”… or magical.

As I came into the earth as Jesus I was not without spiritual experience. Oh, I could have come in as a “first timer”, but if that had been the circumstance I could have been a faulty example… or I, as God, would have had to intervene magically and “rescue Me from My inexperience”. It seemed better to use the spiritual framework that already was functioning… just as I used the historical context of the Jewish people and their Messiah.

Your attention is bad, and this is important. Terminate now and return later.

6:37 AM
2:45 PM – Morris Library, 6th Floor

You are faithful, o son, in “making the time” to complete this teaching. It soon will be appropriate to be back in your study for these morning meditations… that is generally a better place.

Before you continue with the heart of the teaching you know that I have to comment about your concern. You heard Me say that I had a tryst with Abraham and Elijah, but as you looked it up you found Matthew saying it was Moses and Elijah. Did you hear wrong? Are My teachings dependent on your knowledge? This is not a matter on which to base the validity of these many written teachings. The point that I met with two entities who clearly had continuing life… before My sacrifice… is important. Whether it was Abraham or Moses is unimportant. As a matter of fact, I met with both of them, at different times. Don’t be bothered by detail differences. The Bible’s purpose is not as a record of accurate details.

FEB. 22, 1982, 5:39 AM

Your class generated a lively discussion of the continuity of life yesterday morning, o son, and that brings some comment from Me, which is not surprising to you. I shall say, initially, that it was appropriate for you to use that teaching yesterday. As you discerned, the admonition against its use was for that time in October. You had laid a good foundation, and you kept it in the proper Christian context. So let’s go on from there. You have more to learn.

As this title suggests, We are . . .

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