Another War?

MON., NOV. 27, 1995, 7:40 PM

It is clear to you from your even limited reading of My Old Testament Scriptures that war… even “ethnic cleansing”… is a continuing part of the world I sustain. These Scriptures tell, further, that I can be involved in wars, favoring and helping one side against another. As My chosen people, the Hebrews, came into the Promised Land I was responsible for the killing of men, women, children, and animals. It was “ethnic cleansing” in a supreme way.

After Jesus’ time in the earth, and the Testament that told of His life and teachings… his “Reign”…, did I change? Was Jesus’ unwillingness to lead an insurrection against Roman rule a matter of strength, or of principle? If the shepherd boy David could bring down the Philistine Goliath with a stone to the forehead, couldn’t Jesus have put Roman troops in retreat? Didn’t I help David… and wouldn’t I have been an invincible “assistant” to Jesus? The God that I “portrayed”, as Jesus, was One who showed forth love rather than dominance. Same God… there’s only One… just a different facet.

Your country has been involved in a number of wars. What is My assessment of this record, and of the present “proposal”? Each of the so-called World Wars brought peace for awhile, but the I, with your country in the “withdrawal to peace’ mode, resulted in Hitler and the need for a more far-reaching conflict. After your victory in II, you, having learned from I, funded peaceful development in Europe, including the former enemy, Germany. Japan, too, was neutralized as a warring nation, but your new enemy became China, who had been an ally.

If this were the relevant example, the President’s proposal this evening would have made more sense. But he failed to mention Korea, where your troops halted aggression, but only because they’re still there, over 40 years later. He also didn’t mention Vietnam, with many American lives lost and the objective a dismal failure. Your troops were drawn into combat in that region, and there is great potential for that, now, in Bosnia. But I am the Holy Spirit, not a war analyst or a politician, left, right, or centre.

As you know, the argument that this action will “save lives” is not a powerful one with Me, at this point in ecological history. The survival of more people in Bosnia is of only slightly more importance than the survival of the inhabitants of the Promised Land, which I wanted for My people (and had to reappropriate through German atrocities in W.W. II). The use of resources for weapons of war, modern version, is an abomination, and your country is a leader in this. The waste of material and fuel to maintain this force through the winter is not to My liking. So, what do I say about “another war”?

The combatants are three of My peoples – Catholics, Orthodox, and Muslims. They all have sinned, and they all have held to their faith in Me. They have followed the tenets of their faiths and are in rather honest conflict over land, lifestyle, and religion.

It is difficult to take a clear side and destroy the “opposition” as I did in Old Testament times. I would tend to “go” with the Christians rather than the Muslims, but when the Muslims are those being tortured and killed, I pause.

This may be a successful peace-keeping mission… but it could continue for more than a year. It could also become another Vietnam, with your reluctance to truly destroy whoever you brand as the enemy being the means to continuing strife. I won’t tell you how it will come out. I am there, but not an active participant except with special persons.

MON., NOV. 27, 1995, 7:40 PM

It is clear to you from your even limited reading of My Old Testament Scriptures that war… even “ethnic cleansing”… is a continuing part of the world I sustain. These Scriptures tell, further, that I can be involved in wars, favoring and helping one side against another. As My chosen people, the Hebrews, came into the Promised Land I was responsible for the killing of men, women, children, and animals. It was “ethnic cleansing” in a supreme way.

After Jesus’ time in the earth, and the Testament that told of His . . .

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