Another Wednesday… Another Story

WED., MAR. 27, 1996, 8:33 AM

The Wednesday morning group, now a true spiritual community (small size), is “on track” in studying and discussing the four Gospel accounts of this last week of My life, as Jesus. There is good comradeship, willingness to ask questions and formulate answers, and a strong sense of commitment to one another and to study of My Scriptures. You need to “testify”, as Harry did, that this is an important part of your spiritual life.

And, you see, it “fits into” the mystery of how you can be an apparently “normal” Presbyterian and also a mystic, who hears regularly from Me, the Holy Spirit (as promised). This is just another little “nudge” against the rational bias of the denomination in which I want you and the generally accepted importance of consistency. Consider the comparison with Peter, one of My leading disciples. He was a Jew, but not particularly learned or dedicated. He was a fisherman who responded to the challenge to be a “fisher of men”, and often wondered, after that, what this was all about and why he had accepted. He was with Me for 3 years, but he fell asleep on My last night and, despite My warning, he denied knowing and being “related” to this Jesus. Imagine what he had to say to his former “fishing buddies” when he stopped in to see them.

His dilemma was worse than yours, but you are, by My choice, in that tradition. Just realize that it is getting easier to have both identities, it just requires that you pay little attention to the need for consistency. You say often that you are living in “a good time” for the person you are (and what I want you to be). It is a time when there is increasing acceptance of “gifts” such as yours. This will never be mainstream, but there will be more “closer acceptance” and interest than earlier in this life of yours. Glory in this!

This Luke story does suggest that Judas’ role in so-called betrayal and Satan’s role in the whole Thursday-Friday events were part of My plan, “for Myself”. A major part of the mystery, probably the major example for your present experience, is how I could be Jesus, the Jewish man, and also One with Father God. I tell you that I didn’t give up My Sonship as I came to the earth as Jesus. I just had the mystical capacity to balance My humanness and My Godliness in a perfect way. Each version of the story that you have dealt with thus far tells, in slightly different ways, that I was setting the stage for My “own” death. That physical death was real, which is both important and unimportant.

I knew it would be painful to be nailed to a cross, and in an instance or so I let Myself feel that pain, and reacted as a human. That was important because it was difficult. I could control physical pain completely. I had to consciously allow Myself to feel it and respond. (You were reminded this morning of the truth I gave you in one of your other bouts with pain: let it be a reminder to greet people, even strangers, as one with a merry spirit, overriding the ache in your hip. Reduce the ache from time to time, but otherwise experience it, for your spirit’s sake.)

I was pleased that you shared with the group My Teaching to you of last Wednesday. You didn’t do it with the confidence you could have exhibited, but the humbleness was a good alternative. You can look forward to the time when you’ll have more time to give to these Teachings. They shall be, if it is My Will, the best legacy you leave, here in the earth.

WED., MAR. 27, 1996, 8:33 AM

The Wednesday morning group, now a true spiritual community (small size), is “on track” in studying and discussing the four Gospel accounts of this last week of My life, as Jesus. There is good comradeship, willingness to ask questions and formulate answers, and a strong sense of commitment to one another and to study of My Scriptures. You need to “testify”, as Harry did, that this is an important part of your spiritual life.

And, you see, it “fits into” the mystery of how you can be an apparently “normal” Presbyterian . . .

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