Another Year Beginneth

SAT., JAN. 4, 1997, 6:50 AM

This is the first Teaching of the new year, 1997, and I understand why it is this date, rather than the 1st. You did have Teachings during your sojourn at son Bob’s, and you made some progress on the Ruminations, the last one of Vol. 17, 1996. Then came the long drive home, and your clear remembrance of your pledge to Me… that finishing the Letter would be your highest priority. The writing has been completed. But there still is the editing, the typing, the printing, and then the mailing. Our “bargain” certainly included the whole schmeer, didn’t it?!

Then there’s the newsletter for the church, and then some resolve to make this place neater, both inside and out. Thus… the first portion of this new year is sorta “filled up”. I encourage you to see this as good… all worthwhile projects related to the expression and growth of your spirit. And such activities should be priorities for the rest of your earth life.

Continuing this close relationship with Me should be the chief means by which you become increasingly aware of how spirit is involved in so many of life’s activities. I do want to guide you to this increased awareness, for it is both the best way to live life here in the earth and the way that makes for the easiest transition on into your “next mansion”.

Too many humans, even many “good Christians”, for too much of earth life, focus on the physical, on things, and on humanistic perceptions of reality. You have done this, in order to establish yourself in a career profession, raise your children, have a “home place”, and make adequate preparation for retirement. But now your active career winds down, your children are now grown and relatively responsible, and I have assured you that you shall have all you need for comfort in this earth life. So let your awareness of spirit expand. It still is not easy, but it’s worth the effort, I assure you.

The calendar year thus begins busily, which, combined with your slowness, makes for some frustration. Try to enjoy this, for it shouldn’t last much longer. Later this year you can begin to establish a rhythm that is more comfortable, but you still shall miss some of this “over-activity”. Just accept new balances as they are necessary for good continuing health, with spirit predominant.

Again I recommend, as you prepare for this last full term of teaching, that you reconsider the assignments for each class, and modify where these seem excessive, for you. Most of them will seem essential, for the learners and for you. You do profit from what some students write, as they share with you, and some assignments are certainly necessary for the quality course you want to conduct, in your “swan song”.

It is strange to be comfortable in this room on this date with no heat necessary. There was some bitter cold last month, and now this Spring-like time… but the cold shall return, so continue to work on your wood supply. Some consideration of “scrap” in the barn may be worthwhile. And the “clean-up” idea is a good one.

This month you are scheduled for a medical exam. This isn’t necessary, but I won’t object. Just maintain your attitude of health, no matter what any tests may suggest. Remember… you shall live as long as I think you need to, with experiences potentially good for spiritual development.

SAT., JAN. 4, 1997, 6:50 AM

This is the first Teaching of the new year, 1997, and I understand why it is this date, rather than the 1st. You did have Teachings during your sojourn at son Bob’s, and you made some progress on the Ruminations, the last one of Vol. 17, 1996. Then came the long drive home, and your clear remembrance of your pledge to Me… that finishing the Letter would be your highest priority. The writing has been completed. But there still is the editing, the typing, the printing, and then the mailing . . .

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