
THURS., MAY 26, 1994, 6:19 AM

Considering that I am Spirit, without any visible body, I could be called an antibody. Free associating with the term, you were thinking of the PSA, a test for the level of presence of a particular kind of antibody, one “designed” to oppose cancer cells. And hence you came to consider an antibody as something different from the body, but necessary for sustaining it. The term most commonly refers to cells that combat bacteria, viruses, and other “foreign” cells that could cause harm.

The antibody is protective, and so am I. I protect you in many ways, but mostly from spiritual dangers. Oh, you haven’t had an experience like unto George’s, with an apparently evil spirit, but I’ll affirm that you would have had such, except for My “antibody-like” protection. You haven’t needed that experience, and so I’ve protected you from it. Obviously I haven’t protected you from all harm and disability, all imperfection. If you trust Me, as you should, then you must believe and know that these imperfections you are experiencing are conditions from which you should not be protected.

You are accepting My original spiritual lesson in regard to your foot disability: if the nerves do not regenerate the imperfection with which you must live will be a means of spiritual growth. If you deal with that possibility as positively as I desire for you, then there shall be the maximum chance for the regeneration and the return to full functioning.

In the meantime what about the antibodies that tell of your possibly cancerous condition. You are dealing with this well at this time, with two “natural” remedies and the positive relationship with Me, the ultimate Antibody. You shall learn, toward the end of this year, whether your body is producing more of this particular antibody and whether you need a more full-blown cancer experience. Just know that I am with you, and that I can protect you, if you don’t need the experience.

You see, don’t you, that I am using this term, the one in the title, in two different ways. Physical antibodies are actual cells, and therefore part of the body, that fight invading cells. Thus, they are against the life of these potentially dangerous cells. The other way is to see Me as an Antibody, meaning “other than” body. Spirit is ultimately more powerful than any bodily structure or function. In some ways a strong spirit (and yours is rather strong) would rather be free of a body, particularly one that is “damaged” and in pain. Oh, it, the spirit, will work to unify and harmonize all of the dimensions of you, as a living human, but it certainly doesn’t see physical death as terrible and to be avoided.

Occasionally a young person with much potential for living is ways that bring spirit growth is killed, and the spirit regrets this. But in anyone your age or older such a regretful sentiment is unlikely. Even as the spirit can grow through elderly problems it has increasing desire to be free of such, especially ones that arise because of substances in the environment, the waste from a profligate life-style, that are not “of Me.” Most cancers, for example, would not develop in “My Earth.” A high “standard of living” has a cost.

THURS., MAY 26, 1994, 6:19 AM

Considering that I am Spirit, without any visible body, I could be called an antibody. Free associating with the term, you were thinking of the PSA, a test for the level of presence of a particular kind of antibody, one “designed” to oppose cancer cells. And hence you came to consider an antibody as something different from the body, but necessary for sustaining it. The term most commonly refers to cells that combat bacteria, viruses, and other “foreign” cells that could cause harm.

The antibody is protective, and so am I . . .

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