Appreciation Of Life

SAT., AUG. 29, 1987, 6:30 AM

Life is both a gift and the result of a now natural process in the earth. There are babies being conceived this very moment… and also successful births. It is easy to take life for granted… even to feel that life is excessive or not balanced properly. What I urge upon you this day, however, is thankfulness and appreciation for the life you have and enjoy and for the life around you.

You are generally appreciative of life. This is not a Teaching of correction. I just want to illustrate the educative principle of reinforcement and positive repetition. And, of course, you should appreciate life. You have good health, and you are reasonably willing to maintain it. You have a fine job in a worthy profession. You have the wife you should have, and you two have made a good life together. Teen-raising was not a really happy time, but it was a trial from which you emerged, having grown in the experience. Your sons do well, and you can and should appreciate them, both as individuals and as an extension of your life.

You appreciate life on this small Farm, and know that this is a special right place for you at this time in your life. There are chores to do, but you must continually appreciate the need for work and for taking responsibility. While you have physical strength and vigor I call on you to use it. Be active and enjoy what your body can still do.

I have selected you for a minor task in My total “plan” for earth life. You are capable of this, but it is also somewhat demanding. You appreciate the relationship with Me, which is the supreme example of your concept of human/spiritual interaction. (Yes, this is to be the theme of your next Ruminations, and you must be giving that some attention soon. Yes, go feed your bawling cattle!)

7:06 / 7:14

Receiving and utilizing these Teachings is not to be your life work, but it is an important and an integrated part. It fits well with your professional life. You can continue to appreciate this relationship.

I have offered you the opportunity to appreciate life as an ongoing stream, with the clear and single purpose of spiritual growth. You are not newly created, and the only aspect of life before this present earth time that you should appreciate is that you have grown and developed spiritually sufficiently to be able to function in the life you enjoy now. We have a partnership, and you are willing and capable of carrying out your portion. Just appreciate this aspect of yourself.

There have been few tragedies and hard times in your life. You should appreciate this state of being (and you do), but also the difficulties you have experienced. And you will have a few more as your life proceeds. Can this alerting help you to appreciate these, even as they are happening?

You do rather well in appreciating the seasons of the year. This is a cool morning for August, and you know that the continuous heat of summer is nearly over. Then comes the cool, and the transition toward cold weather. The leaves shall fall, and the flowers shall bloom no more. Yet life goes on for you just as busily, and appreciation is what I want you to feel for these changes.

SAT., AUG. 29, 1987, 6:30 AM

Life is both a gift and the result of a now natural process in the earth. There are babies being conceived this very moment… and also successful births. It is easy to take life for granted… even to feel that life is excessive or not balanced properly. What I urge upon you this day, however, is thankfulness and appreciation for the life you have and enjoy and for the life around you.

You are generally appreciative of life. This is not a Teaching of correction. I just want to illustrate the . . .

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