Are “Problems” Necessary?

WED., SEPT. 2, 1998, 9:31 AM

With this next “issue” of Our Ruminations now being planned, with a theme of Problems, Conflicts, Dangers, even Tragedies you need to have My approval, and this shall be such. You certainly have quite a lot of what I have told you, even over the last four years. Yet I still say, “Listen”, for in the midst of the reinforcement and repetition, you may here some new thoughts or illustrations.

I’ll answer My question tersely and then elaborate. In the earth, what can be defined and described as problems are necessary. However, it is not necessary, or even desirable to see such only as problems… for I don’t.

One obvious, contemporary “problem” is the world’s economy. Many countries, important to your nation, are in financial trouble, and these may adversely affect the present “good” condition the U.S. enjoys. It seems as though these “good times” you have had in recent years are desirable… even that I should want them to continue. Yet you know that I see the “downside” of such prosperity, and that I am unlikely to act in ways to maintain what “is”. Know that I can act to sustain your “prosperity”, but that I probably won’t… for I see the consequences, in “the long run”.

You have some concern for your personal and family financial “health”, and are uncertain as to what to do to maintain it… or avert painful losses. You honestly don’t remember the recessions of past years… which obviously didn’t hurt you in any memorable ways. Will this coming slump be equally minimal in pain? You hope so… but are uncertain as to how you should be changing what “now is”… which is quite adequate.

It is good that you are trusting son John Patrick with some decisions about your financial future. He may or may not be right, but for you to trust him is a positive spiritual act… for you and for him. Hold to what I have told you for most of this time we’ve been together: that I shall see that your needs are met, and I can be wonderfully creative in how I accomplish this.

You have some superficial fears, as you assess in secular ways, but I also see a strong base of trust in Me… for what you need. This, of course, is basically irrational, for I regularly proclaim that I do very little “messing” with economic and political issues, refusing to see, as “problems”, most of those so identified. So I urge you to be this irrationally mystical, with trust that your life will continue in a joyful way.

It would seem as though this is a dangerous time for your church to be embarking on a building and renovating project that could eventually cost several million dollars. Again, having faith in Me is vital, but you can’t assume I want all that has been planned. Will all those who have pledged (including you) fulfill these, if giving becomes too “sacrificial”?

Know that the Scriptural story is quite rich in instances in which suffering of My people – Jews and then Christians – was “necessary” for spiritual growth. I just see, over the whole history of humans and the societies they have developed (often with My help), that times of “good prosperity” are often the “leanest” in spiritual development. It just is truth, for this unique realm, that the greatest spiritual gains come when the conditions also “encourage” spiritual regression. Many of you know this when you “elect” to come into the earth (again?), and you want the chance to grow, against odds.

WED., SEPT. 2, 1998, 9:31 AM

With this next “issue” of Our Ruminations now being planned, with a theme of Problems, Conflicts, Dangers, even Tragedies you need to have My approval, and this shall be such. You certainly have quite a lot of what I have told you, even over the last four years. Yet I still say, “Listen”, for in the midst of the reinforcement and repetition, you may here some new thoughts or illustrations.

I’ll answer My question tersely and then elaborate. In the earth, what can be defined and described as . . .

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