Are There Two “Sides” To Spirit?

THURS., AUG. 21, 1986, 6:37 AM

The theory that there are two (or even four) “sides” or portions of the human brain that function differently is interesting to you. It includes the principle of individual balance… that each individual has a unique balance of right and left that affects the way he thinks and the ways in which she acts. The question this morning implies that there is something comparable in the matter of spirit. Listen, o son, and you shall receive a small enlightenment.

First, know that I, the active, functioning manifestation of the Lord God, that Greatest of Spirits, am equally available to all persons, no matter what the conditions of life. Generally I don’t force Myself into lives or situations, although I can. (You could have resisted My call to you this morning, but the call was somewhat stronger than yesterday’s, for example.) I am not a mamby-pamby spirit who always waits for individual initiative… however, this is My most usual strategy.

Part of the difference in receptivity to My help and influence is spiritual development. I continue to create, so the spirits of some persons are relatively new and undeveloped, while the range goes on to those who are “old” and well-developed. The less developed spirits are generally less receptive to My help… and yet there is a yearning in every created spirit for a reunion with Me. Mature spirits, as we move along a kind of continuum, are more attentive to Me and more aware of the reality of spirit in all of life’s activities here in the earth. So there are two “sides” to the continuum, and those on one “side” are rather different from those on the other.

Another factor is the culture and, then, the specific cultural setting in which each individual functions. Those in cultures that openly accept spirit as reality tend to be different than those in cultures that generally deny spirit as a real, active force. Yet you are still functioning in such a culture, relating to many people who also know the reality of spirit. (And you can see that it becomes complicated when these two aspects of “sides” are combined.)

A third distinction is the extent to which persons perceive spirit as abstract and impersonal… or quite personal and active. Many Christians, for example Presbyterians, Methodists… certainly affirm Me as a part of the Trinity, and they nod in affirmation that “God is a spirit, and they that worship Him must worship in spirit and in truth.” And still they have little or no experience with this Spirit in an active, personal way. They “believe in” the concept, but have little actual experience that verifies the belief. And so the complexity increases… and I won’t burden you with any more “factors.”

The brain theory to which I alluded early on says that if the right brain dominates you are more creative, spiritual, and expansive in thinking… and less organized, methodical, and systematic. If the left brain dominates, the balance is shifted. Hence two persons, with different dominances, would think differently and perceive the world in different ways.

THURS., AUG. 21, 1986, 6:37 AM

The theory that there are two (or even four) “sides” or portions of the human brain that function differently is interesting to you. It includes the principle of individual balance… that each individual has a unique balance of right and left that affects the way he thinks and the ways in which she acts. The question this morning implies that there is something comparable in the matter of spirit. Listen, o son, and you shall receive a small enlightenment.

First, know that I, the active, functioning manifestation of the Lord God . . .

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