Are You A Mystic?

SAT., MAR. 9, 1985, 5:56 AM

Yes. By most definitions of this term you would “qualify”. You have volumes of Teachings, pages written in your handwriting that have no references, and which you affirm (truthfully) have come from Me, the Holy Spirit. I am not a source apparently available to most people in this way. What you describe as the process, though you present it in a rational way, is not rational and is not scholarly. It is, frankly, mystical.

So… I’ve answered My own question in one word, amplified by one paragraph. Need I say more? Of course, since you’re here, and the room is warm. Your silent critique of the film last evening was an appropriate one, for you. My servant Thomas could be described in several ways, and one legitimate one was… “Merton was a mystic.” The film was of no help in understanding what that meant.

There are a few mystics in every culture… more who are evident in cultures that value and accept this way of knowing. Some are genuine spiritual “giants”, whose spiritual maturity is such that they just “tune in” to sources of knowledge that most cannot discern. In secular terms this is called intuition, and all great scientists have this quality to some extent… being able to generate a theory that data do not suggest and to interpret data in ways beyond the ordinary. Some are in touch with minds beyond the earth, and though this is not ordinary, it is quite possible.

There are spiritual forces rightly called evil (and I’ll say simply that these provide “balance” in the earth… and none are beyond My control, should I choose to exert such). These can impart false ideas and concepts, which can become false knowledge. Some is destructive. Some do hear voices that tell them to kill, to maim, to do social harm. This, yes, is part of the total psychic experience. Those who are spiritually mature and who can “tune in” may be duped by false spirits. Their only protection is their spiritual advancement, and the only real protection is My Hand. My guidance does protect.

You are not one of these who are spiritually advanced. You represent the “chosen” mystic. I chose you to do something you were not really qualified to do. You have no developed capacity to “tune in” to mystical sources, and you have limited intuition. But you were… and you remain… willing to hear Me as I teach. And the way, the process, is a mystical one. As long as you are not chosen by some evil force you do not have the capacity to hear beyond what I tell you. And it would be silly for Me to allow you to receive teachings counter to Mine.

You are not to announce that you are a mystic, but it is permissible to describe our process to one who is genuinely interested, as Carolyn was yesterday. I shall help you to discern those who are truly interested from those who are hostile to mysticism and feel threatened enough by it to revile you. Still, you are bound to make some mistakes. Some I shall allow for purposes of learning and growth.

I want you to continue your professional career, and I want you to teach in ever more human/spiritual ways. I want you to continue to do professional writing and speaking. I want those who know and accept you as a mystic to see that this can be part of a normal, productive life, one even marked by challenges that appear to be problems.

What capacities you have are largely given by Me. Oh, I used the you that has been developed, and you have grown considerably because of this experience and this relationship with Me. But without My initiative you would have very little discernible mystic ability. My powers are great, and you have been a rather willing mystic. Continue to be just that.

Your culture does not value mystics and mysticism, but some individuals do. Your mission is to these. It is not grand and glorious, but it is important enough to merit your attention and efforts.

7:00 AM